" Ordinal 112无法位于动态链接库中..."

时间:2016-03-22 19:29:18

标签: windows ssl dll openssl ordinal

整体错误如下:"序号112不能位于动态链接库D:\ GNU-C-compiler \ GNUstep \ bin \ openssl.exe"


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:-1)


“Ordinal 112无法位于动态链接库中......”

我在OpenSSL 1.0.2中推测其SSLv23_server_methodBN_MONT_CTX_free;或者来自OpenSSL 1.1.0的RSA_PSS_PARAMS_freeSSL_CONF_CTX_clear_flags。根据最近的一些变化,我猜测它的OpenSSL 1.0.2和SSLv23_server_method

# OpenSSL 1.1.0
$ find $PWD -type f -iname '*.num' -exec grep " 112" {} \;
RSA_PSS_PARAMS_free                     112 1_1_0   EXIST::FUNCTION:RSA
SSL_CONF_CTX_clear_flags                112 1_1_0   EXIST::FUNCTION:

# OpenSSL 1.0.2
$ find $PWD -type f -iname '*.num' -exec grep " 372" {} \;
BN_MONT_CTX_free                        112 EXIST::FUNCTION:
SSLv23_server_method                    112 EXIST::FUNCTION:RSA

您需要使用dumpbinDependency Walker进行验证。另请参阅Stack Overflow上的How can I find the exported function name from ordinal (export by ordinal)?

使用<openssl src>\util\mkdef.pl创建序数。您可以从OpenSSL的GitHub存在中看到源代码。 Here is 1.0.2here is 1.1.0


#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
# generate a .def file
# It does this by parsing the header files and looking for the
# prototyped functions: it then prunes the output.
# Intermediary files are created, call libcrypto.num and libssl.num,
# The format of these files is:
#   routine-name    nnnn    vers    info
# The "nnnn" and "vers" fields are the numeric id and version for the symbol
# respectively. The "info" part is actually a colon-separated string of fields
# with the following meaning:
#   existence:platform:kind:algorithms
# - "existence" can be "EXIST" or "NOEXIST" depending on if the symbol is
#   found somewhere in the source, 
# - "platforms" is empty if it exists on all platforms, otherwise it contains
#   comma-separated list of the platform, just as they are if the symbol exists
#   for those platforms, or prepended with a "!" if not.  This helps resolve
#   symbol name variants for platforms where the names are too long for the
#   compiler or linker, or if the systems is case insensitive and there is a
#   clash, or the symbol is implemented differently (see
#   EXPORT_VAR_AS_FUNCTION).  This script assumes renaming of symbols is found
#   in the file crypto/symhacks.h.
#   The semantics for the platforms is that every item is checked against the
#   environment.  For the negative items ("!FOO"), if any of them is false
#   (i.e. "FOO" is true) in the environment, the corresponding symbol can't be
#   used.  For the positive itms, if all of them are false in the environment,
#   the corresponding symbol can't be used.  Any combination of positive and
#   negative items are possible, and of course leave room for some redundancy.
# - "kind" is "FUNCTION" or "VARIABLE".  The meaning of that is obvious.
# - "algorithms" is a comma-separated list of algorithm names.  This helps
#   exclude symbols that are part of an algorithm that some user wants to
#   exclude.

答案 1 :(得分:-1)

使用OpenSSL 1.0.2g时遇到同样的问题 - 缺少的功能是“SSLv2_client_method”(113,丢失的序数消息似乎是一个接一个)。


  • 禁用SSLv2默认构建,默认协商和弱密码。默认情况下,SSLv2在构建时被禁用。未使用“enable-ssl2”配置的构建版本将不支持SSLv2。