
时间:2016-03-22 16:01:04

标签: vba ms-access access-vba ms-access-2007

我可以使用什么样的控件,它是Access 2007+中的原生控件,可以自包含(不需要Active-X)以图形方式动态显示属性的比例,我可以:

  1. 加载时通过VBA设置其初始值;
  2. 将结果读回我的代码?
  3. 背景:








3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



enter image description here

是的,作为一般规则,您可能希望避免滑块控件,除非您有一些安装程序以确保滑块将安装在目标计算机上。但是,也许代替滑块,你可以像上面那样制作一个界面。 (所以两次点击+100按钮会在框中加200)。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


Private Sub MySlider_OnChange()
  Me.MyInvisibleTextbox.Text = MySlider.Value
End Sub


答案 2 :(得分:0)

以下代码适用于Access 2016,但我还未能在2007年发布。如果有人能为我这样做,我可以肯定,我会很感激。


Option Explicit

Sub createsliderform()

    Dim slidernum, newformname, thisFormName As String
    Dim controlnum, i As Integer
    Dim thisform As Form
    Dim startheight, lngReturn As Long


    slidernum = 0
    slidernum = InputBox("Please enter the number of sliders you would like, from 1 to 22. " & vbNewLine & "(Forms can only be so tall.)")
    If slidernum = "" Then Exit Sub
    If Not isinteger(slidernum) Then MsgBox "Please enter only integers.": GoTo substart
    If slidernum > 22 Then MsgBox slidernum & " would make the form " & slidernum * 1440 & " twips tall, and Access 2016 only allows a form to be 31680 twips tall, maximum.": GoTo substart

    Dim myControls As Object
    Set myControls = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    myControls.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
    controlnum = 0
    newformname = "sliderForm"

    Set thisform = CreateForm
    thisFormName = thisform.Name
    DoCmd.Close acForm, thisFormName, acSaveYes
    Set thisform = Nothing
    DoCmd.Rename newformname, acForm, thisFormName
    DoCmd.OpenForm newformname, acDesign
    Forms(newformname).Width = 6.5 * 1440
    Forms(newformname).Detail.Height = 0

    Forms(newformname).Module.InsertLines 3, "Sub sliderbar(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single, thisform As String, thiscontrol As String, othercontrol As String, mytotalpossible As String)"
    Forms(newformname).Module.InsertLines 4, "Dim totalpossible As Integer"
    Forms(newformname).Module.InsertLines 5, "If isinteger(mytotalpossible) Then totalpossible = mytotalpossible Else totalpossible = 0"
    Forms(newformname).Module.InsertLines 6, "If X > Forms(thisform).Controls(thiscontrol).Width Then X = Forms(thisform).Controls(thiscontrol).Width"
    Forms(newformname).Module.InsertLines 7, "If X < 0 Then X = 0"
'I want to encourage all or nothing behavior giving the appearance of choice with the below. Obviously we could have it snap to location if we wanted.
    Forms(newformname).Module.InsertLines 8, "Forms(thisform).Controls(othercontrol).Width = X"
    Forms(newformname).Module.InsertLines 9, "Forms(thisform).Controls(thiscontrol).Caption = Round(totalpossible * Forms(thisform).Controls(othercontrol).Width / Forms(thisform).Controls(thiscontrol).Width) & "" of "" & totalpossible & "" widgets have pictures."""
    Forms(newformname).Module.InsertLines 10, "End Sub"

    For i = 1 To slidernum

        startheight = Forms(newformname).Detail.Height
        Forms(newformname).Detail.Height = Forms(newformname).Detail.Height + 1440

        Set myControls(controlnum) = CreateControl(newformname, acTextBox, acDetail, , , 0.2 * 1440, 0.3 * 1440 + startheight, 1 * 1440, 0.2 * 1440)
        controlnum = controlnum + 1

        Set myControls(controlnum) = CreateControl(newformname, acLabel, acDetail, , , 0.2 * 1440, 0.7 * 1440 + startheight, 3 * 1440, 0.2 * 1440)
        With myControls(controlnum)
            .BackStyle = 1
            .BackColor = RGB(207, 123, 121)
            .SpecialEffect = 2
        End With
        controlnum = controlnum + 1

        Set myControls(controlnum) = CreateControl(newformname, acLabel, acDetail, , , 0.2 * 1440, 0.7 * 1440 + startheight, 1.5 * 1440, 0.2 * 1440)
        With myControls(controlnum)
            .BackStyle = 1
            .BackColor = RGB(34, 177, 76)
            .SpecialEffect = 1
        End With
        controlnum = controlnum + 1

        Set myControls(controlnum) = CreateControl(newformname, acLabel, acDetail, , , 0.2 * 1440, 0.7 * 1440 + startheight, 3 * 1440, 0.2 * 1440)
        With myControls(controlnum)
            .BackStyle = 0
            .ForeColor = vbBlack
            .TextAlign = 2
            .Caption = "Choose an integer for the number of widgets."
        End With

        lngReturn = Forms(newformname).Module.CreateEventProc("Mousemove", Forms(newformname).Controls(myControls(controlnum).Name).Name)
        Forms(newformname).Module.InsertLines lngReturn + 1, "if button=1 then"
        Forms(newformname).Module.InsertLines lngReturn + 2, "Me." & myControls(controlnum - 3).Name & ".setfocus"
        Forms(newformname).Module.InsertLines lngReturn + 3, "sliderbar Button, Shift, X, Y, Me.Name, Me." & myControls(controlnum).Name & ".Name, Me." & myControls(controlnum - 1).Name & ".Name, Me." & myControls(controlnum - 3).Name & ".text"
        Forms(newformname).Module.InsertLines lngReturn + 4, "end if"

        lngReturn = Forms(newformname).Module.CreateEventProc("mouseup", Forms(newformname).Controls(myControls(controlnum).Name).Name)
        Forms(newformname).Module.InsertLines lngReturn + 1, "Me." & myControls(controlnum - 3).Name & ".setfocus"
        Forms(newformname).Module.InsertLines lngReturn + 2, "sliderbar Button, Shift, X, Y, Me.Name, Me." & myControls(controlnum).Name & ".Name, Me." & myControls(controlnum - 1).Name & ".Name, Me." & myControls(controlnum - 3).Name & ".text"

        lngReturn = Forms(newformname).Module.CreateEventProc("Change", Forms(newformname).Controls(myControls(controlnum - 3).Name).Name)
        Forms(newformname).Module.InsertLines lngReturn + 1, "If Me." & myControls(controlnum - 3).Name & ".Text = """" Or Not isinteger(Me." & myControls(controlnum - 3).Name & ".Text) Then totalpossible = 0 Else totalpossible = Me." & myControls(controlnum - 3).Name & ".Text"
        Forms(newformname).Module.InsertLines lngReturn + 2, "Me." & myControls(controlnum).Name & ".Caption = Round(totalpossible * Me." & myControls(controlnum - 1).Name & ".Width / Me." & myControls(controlnum).Name & ".Width) & "" of "" & totalpossible & "" widgets have pictures."""

        controlnum = controlnum + 1

        Set myControls(controlnum) = CreateControl(newformname, acLabel, acDetail, , , 1.25 * 1440, 0.3 * 1440 + startheight, 3 * 1440, 0.2 * 1440)
        myControls(controlnum).Caption = "<-- Enter the total amount of widgets here."
        controlnum = controlnum + 1

    Next i

        DoCmd.Close acForm, newformname, acSaveYes
        DoCmd.OpenForm newformname, acNormal

End Sub

Public Function isinteger(testme) As Boolean
    Dim mytest As Integer
    isinteger = False
    If Len(testme) = 0 Then Exit Function
    On Error Resume Next
    mytest = Int(testme)
    If Err.Number = 13 Then Exit Function
    On Error GoTo 0
    If Int(testme) - testme = 0 Then isinteger = True
End Function
