using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class DrawLine : MonoBehaviour
public Text toshow;
private LineRenderer line;
private bool isMousePressed;
public List<Vector3> pointsList;
private Vector3 mousePos;
// Structure for line points
struct myLine
public Vector3 StartPoint;
public Vector3 EndPoint;
// -----------------------------------
void Awake ()
// Create line renderer component and set its property
line = gameObject.AddComponent<LineRenderer> ();
line.material = new Material (Shader.Find ("Particles/Additive"));
line.SetVertexCount (0);
line.SetWidth (0.1f, 0.1f);
line.SetColors (Color.green, Color.green);
line.useWorldSpace = true;
isMousePressed = false;
pointsList = new List<Vector3> ();
// renderer.material.SetTextureOffset(
// Following method adds collider to created line
private void addColliderToLine(Vector3 startPos, Vector3 endPos)
BoxCollider col = new GameObject("Collider").AddComponent<BoxCollider> ();
col.gameObject.tag = "Box";
col.transform.parent = line.transform; // Collider is added as child object of line
float lineLength = Vector3.Distance (startPos, endPos); // length of line
col.size = new Vector3 (lineLength, 0.1f, 1f); // size of collider is set where X is length of line, Y is width of line, Z will be set as per requirement
Vector3 midPoint = (startPos + endPos)/2;
col.transform.position = midPoint; // setting position of collider object
// Following lines calculate the angle between startPos and endPos
float angle = (Mathf.Abs (startPos.y - endPos.y) / Mathf.Abs (startPos.x - endPos.x));
if((startPos.y<endPos.y && startPos.x>endPos.x) || (endPos.y<startPos.y && endPos.x>startPos.x))
angle = Mathf.Rad2Deg * Mathf.Atan (angle);
col.transform.Rotate (0, 0, angle);
void createCollider(){
for (int i=0; i < pointsList.Count - 1; i++) {
public void MouseDrag(){
Vector2 touchPos = Input.touches[0].position;
mousePos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint (new Vector3(touchPos.x, touchPos.y, 0));
mousePos.z = 0;
if (!pointsList.Contains (mousePos)) {
pointsList.Add (mousePos);
line.SetVertexCount (pointsList.Count);
line.SetPosition (pointsList.Count - 1, (Vector3)pointsList [pointsList.Count - 1]);
public void MouseBeginDrag(){
isMousePressed = true;
line.SetVertexCount (0);
GameObject[] ob = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Box");
for(int i=0; i<ob.Length; i++){
pointsList.RemoveRange (0, pointsList.Count);
line.SetColors (Color.green, Color.green);
public void MouseFinishDrag(){
isMousePressed = false;
// -----------------------------------
void Update ()