
时间:2016-03-21 20:47:26

标签: javascript jquery html ruby-on-rails ajax


[ Parent list item 1 ]
[ Parent list item 2 ]
[ Parent list item 3 - expanded ]
    [ Child list item 1 ]
    Child inline input       Child submit button

[Parent input]
Parent submit button

父实体输入始终有效。它是一个使用remote: true的远程表单。当我添加父对象时,它会自动添加到包含其他父对象的列表中。每个父级可以有多个子级,当用户展开相应的父级列表项时,它们会被显示和列出(如上例所示)。用户可以通过在Child inline input中输入值来添加更多子项,此表单也使用remote: true



# screen_table_id is the list with parent objects.
# localized_strings/localized_string is the tr with the object
$("#screen_table_<%= @localized_string.screen.id %>").append("<%= j render   partial: 'localized_strings/localized_string', locals: { screen:  @localized_string.screen, localized_string: @localized_string }  %>");

# I use the best in place gem to manage inline editing


%tbody{ id: "localized_string_parent_#{localized_string.id}"}
      Clicking this reveals the child objects

/ The list of children is initially hidden

  - if localized_string.translations.any?
    / Renders the children
    / This form doesn't work on page load, after I have added the parent
    = render "translations/inline_form", app: localized_string.screen.app,  screen: localized_string.screen, localized_string: localized_string, translation:  localized_string.translations.build


= form_for [app, screen, localized_string, translation], remote: true do |f|
  %td{ colspan: 2 }
      = f.text_field :value, class: "form-control inline-form-control",  placeholder: "Translation value", id: "localized_string_input_# {localized_string.id}"

    / Sometimes nothing happens when I click Submit.
    = f.submit 'Add translation', class: "btn ban-success-outline"


  1. 页面加载,我创建了一个父对象(LocalizedString
  2. 它会正确添加到列表中。
  3. 扩展新的父列表元素按预期工作。
  4. 点击孩子的提交按钮(Translation)时nothing
  5. 希望我的问题是可以理解的。如果您有任何意见或需要澄清,请发表评论。我很满意所有的想法。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)

Ryan Bates在这个主题Nested Model Form Part 2上做了很棒的Railscast。根据您的路由和模型关联,存在许多交互依赖关系,但此RailsCast看起来可直接应用。

答案 1 :(得分:1)


  = render "translations/inline_form", app: localized_string.screen.app,   screen: localized_string.screen, localized_string: localized_string, translation:   localized_string.translations.build

inline_formform本身开头。 而不是像我那样尝试将其包装在td标签内,如下所示:

# inline_form.html.haml
%td{ colspan: 4 }
  # the form wasn't previously inside a td tag.
  = form_for [app, screen, localized_string, translation], remote: true,  style: "margin-bottom: 0" do |f|
