
时间:2016-03-20 21:51:22

标签: haskell generics


data T = C1 { aInt::Int, aString::String} deriving (Show,Generic)

我想要做的是定义一个通用的派生函数,它接受上面的数据构造函数,并使用记录名称和函数输出构建器 - 只是一个玩具代码 - 我们想让ABuilder通用所以我们可以将它用于任何具有记录语法的数据类型(例如deriveJSON中的Aeson):

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}

import GHC.Generics

data T = C1 { aInt::Int, aString::String} deriving (Show,Generic)

-- Some kind of builder output - String here is a stand-in for the
-- builder
class ABuilder a where
  f :: a -> String

-- Need to get the record field name, and record field function 
-- for each argument, and build string - for anything that is not 
-- a string, we need to add show function - we assume "Show" instance 
-- exists
instance ABuilder T where
  f x = ("aInt:" ++ (show . aInt $ x)) ++ "," ++ ("aString:" ++ (aString $ x))

我无法弄清楚如何获取记录名称和功能。这是我在ghci 7.10.3的尝试。我可以获取数据类型名称,但无法弄清楚如何从中获取记录名称和函数。

$ ghci Test.hs 
GHCi, version 7.10.3: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/  :? for help
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( Test.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
*Main> datatypeName . from $ (C1 {aInt=1,aString="a"})
*Main> :t from (C1 {aInt=1,aString="a"})
from (C1 {aInt=1,aString="a"})
  :: D1
          (S1 Main.S1_0_0T (Rec0 Int) :*: S1 Main.S1_0_1T (Rec0 String)))

我将非常感谢如何获取Generics中的记录名称和功能。如果TemplateHaskell是定义Generic ABuilder实例的更好方法,我将很感激您的原因。如果解决方案很简单,我希望坚持Generics在编译时解决这个问题。我注意到Aeson使用TemplateHaskell作为deriveJSON部分。这就是我之前关于TemplateHaskell的问题,看看我是否遗漏了这些内容(我使用ghc 7.10.3并且不需要与旧版本向后兼容)。

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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, TypeOperators, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances #-}

import GHC.Generics

data T = C1 { aInt::Int, aString::String} deriving (Show,Generic)

class AllSelNames x where
    allSelNames :: x -> [String]

instance (AllSelNames (a p), AllSelNames (b p)) => AllSelNames ((a :*: b) p) where
    allSelNames (x :*: y) = allSelNames x ++ allSelNames y

instance Selector s => AllSelNames (M1 S s f a) where
    allSelNames x = [selName x]


*Main> let x = unM1 . unM1 $ from (C1 {aInt=1,aString="a"})
*Main> allSelNames x