
时间:2016-03-20 16:22:24

标签: c# sql-server linq

我有一个数据表,其中包含每种产品的发布计划: enter image description here

我想使用linq计算每个季度每个产品的金额总和。在SQL中我会使用: enter image description here

我怎么能在linq中做到这一点? 我试过这段代码:

public List<ValuePairPlanned> GetQuantityOfEachProductPlannedForRelease(int departmentId)
        var amountByProducts = (from rp in _context.ReleasePlans
                                join p in _context.Products
                                    on rp.ProductProductId equals p.ProductId
                                where rp.DepartmentDepartmentId == departmentId
                                group new { rp, p } by new { rp.ProductProductId, p.ProductId, p.ProductName, rp.DateTime, rp.Amount }
       into grp
                                select new
                                    PlannedAmount = grp.Sum(g => g.rp.Amount)
                                }).Distinct().ToList().ConvertAll(x => new ValuePairPlanned()
                                { PlannedAmount = x.PlannedAmount, Quarter = (x.DateTime.AddDays(2).Month - 1) / 3 + 1, ProductName = x.ProductName });

        return amountByProducts;

enter image description here


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由于您使用的是Entity Framework,请查看DbFunctions,以便您可以在SQL Server上添加日期。如果您不使用DbFunctions,则必须先通过ToList()获取已连接的表格,然后执行数据计算以计算季度。


var amountByProducts = from p in _context.Products
             join rp in _context.ReleasePlans 
             on p.ProductId equals rp.ProductId
             where rp.DepartmentDepartmentId == departmentId
             group new
                 Quarter = (DbFunctions.AddDays(rp.DateTime,2).Month - 1) / 3 + 1,
             // group all product plans in a given quarter
             by new
                 p.ProductName, // shouldn't this be ProductId?
                 Quarter = (DbFunctions.AddDays(rp.DateTime,2).Month - 1) / 3 + 1
             into grp
             // from the grouped entries, sum the amounts
             select new ValuePairPlanned()
                PlannedAmount = grp.Sum(g => g.Amount),
                Quarter = grp.Key.Quarter,
                ProductName = grp.Key.ProductName

return amountByProducts.ToList();