
时间:2016-03-20 16:04:01

标签: c# linq f# return



Select(g => new {Cluster

显示的错误是'意外符号'{'in expression'。


If (EmptyCluster(_normalisedDataToCluster) = true) then return false


let EmptyCluster(data : List<DataPointClass>) =
    let emptyCluster = data.GroupBy(s => s.Cluster)
                           .OrderBy(s => s.Key)
                           .Select(g => new {Cluster = g.Key, Count = g.Count}) 
    //complains about the curly braces inside the Select expression above

    for item in emptyCluster do
        if (item.Count = 0) then
            return true

    return false

let UpdateDataPointMeans() =
    if (EmptyCluster(_normalisedDataToCluster) = true) then
        return false //complains about this return statement

    let mutable groupToComputeMeans = _normalisedDataToCluster
        .GroupBy(s => s.Cluster).OrderBy(s => s.Key)

    let mutable clusterIndex = 0
    let mutable height = 0.0
    let mutable weight = 0.0

    for item in groupToComputeMeans do
        for value in item do
            height <- height + value.Height
            weight <- weight + value.Weight

        _clusters.[clusterIndex].Height <- height / Convert.ToDouble item.Count
        _clusters.[clusterIndex].Weight <- weight / Convert.ToDouble item.Count

        clusterIndex <- clusterIndex + 1
        height <- 0.0
        weight <- 0.0


type DataPointClass(height : double, weight : double) = class
    let mutable _height = height
    let mutable _weight = weight
    let mutable cluster = 0

    member self.Height with get () = _height and set (value) = _height  <- value

    member self.Weight with get () = _weight and set (value) = _weight  <- value

    member self.Cluster with get () = cluster and set (value) = cluster <- value

    new() = 
        DataPointClass(-1.0, -1.0)
            printfn "Error initialising"


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



第一期 : 如果您查看constructor documentation,则会看到如果您有自定义类型,则会使用关键字new。像这样:

type MyClass(clus, ct) = 
    let mutable cluster = clus
    let mutable count = ct
    member this.Cluster with get() = cluster
    member this.Count with get() = count
    new() = MyClass("", 0)

let test = new MyClass()

但是,您似乎在这里使用了记录类型,这意味着您根本不需要新的关键字......像{Cluster = g.Key; Count = g.Count}这样的内容会自动创建相应MyClass的新类1}}。

第二期 : 再次查看keyword guide,我们发现关键字return仅用于 async 工作流程:Used to indicate a value to provide as the result of a computation expression.它不用于表示返回一个函数的价值。要从函数返回,您根本不需要使用任何关键字。这是一个简单的例子:

let multiplyByTwo x = x*2
