
时间:2016-03-20 06:18:32

标签: java android alarm

在我的应用程序中,它应该在指定的时间触发警报,警报的目的是通过Notification通知用户,我对获得非精确结果感到绝望。警报振铃,但不是在指定的时间。当警报设置和应该关闭的时间之间的时间很长时,这是系统性的。 为此,我使用setExact(RTC_WAKEUP,time,intent)。经过多次尝试才能使它工作,我终于看到并尝试了setAlarmClock功能,一切都很顺利!!


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)



public void set(int type, long triggerAtTime, long windowLength, long interval, int flags,
        PendingIntent operation, WorkSource workSource,
        AlarmManager.AlarmClockInfo alarmClock) {
    final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
    if (workSource != null) {
                Binder.getCallingPid(), callingUid, "AlarmManager.set");

    // No incoming callers can request either WAKE_FROM_IDLE or
    // ALLOW_WHILE_IDLE_UNRESTRICTED -- we will apply those later as appropriate.
    flags &= ~(AlarmManager.FLAG_WAKE_FROM_IDLE

    // Only the system can use FLAG_IDLE_UNTIL -- this is used to tell the alarm
    // manager when to come out of idle mode, which is only for DeviceIdleController.
    if (callingUid != Process.SYSTEM_UID) {
        flags &= ~AlarmManager.FLAG_IDLE_UNTIL;

    // If the caller is a core system component, and not calling to do work on behalf
    // of someone else, then always set ALLOW_WHILE_IDLE_UNRESTRICTED.  This means we
    // will allow these alarms to go off as normal even while idle, with no timing
    // restrictions.
    if (callingUid < Process.FIRST_APPLICATION_UID && workSource == null) {
        flags |= AlarmManager.FLAG_ALLOW_WHILE_IDLE_UNRESTRICTED;

    // If this is an exact time alarm, then it can't be batched with other alarms.
    if (windowLength == AlarmManager.WINDOW_EXACT) {
        flags |= AlarmManager.FLAG_STANDALONE;

    // If this alarm is for an alarm clock, then it must be standalone and we will
    // use it to wake early from idle if needed.
    if (alarmClock != null) {
        flags |= AlarmManager.FLAG_WAKE_FROM_IDLE | AlarmManager.FLAG_STANDALONE;

    setImpl(type, triggerAtTime, windowLength, interval, operation,
            flags, workSource, alarmClock, callingUid);

如果存在非空alarmClock参数,则请求会在FLAG_WAKE_FROM_IDLE之上获取FLAG_STANDALONE标记,这两种情况都会得到。 FLAG_WAKE_FROM_IDLE的评论说:



如果你愿意,你可以dig into the usage of FLAG_WAKE_FROM_IDLE - 但就我所知,这就是区别。您的“正常”确切警报不会将设备从空闲状态唤醒,但使用setAlarmClock()设置的警报会启动。

答案 1 :(得分:3)

Android 6.0(API级别23)中引入的

Doze mode为上面列出的内容添加了进一步的限制:( TL; DR:打盹模式下只有setAlarmClock个触发器,adds a system icon





  • 系统会忽略唤醒锁定。
  • 标准AlarmManager警报(包括setExact()setWindow())将推迟到下一个维护时段。      
    • 如果您需要设置在Doze中触发的闹钟,请使用setAndAllowWhileIdle()setExactAndAllowWhileIdle()
    • 使用setAlarmClock()设置的警报继续正常启动 - 系统在警报触发前不久退出Doze。   [...]
