与PetaPoco相比,Dapper Map实现了一对多

时间:2016-03-18 21:54:27

标签: dapper petapoco materialize

我刚刚从PetaPoco转到Dapper,我试图找到一个如何在Dapper中实现一对多关系的例子。在PetaPoco中,您可以执行以下操作。这很好,因为实现作者所需的所有逻辑都包含在一个类中。示例来自PetaPoco - Mapping One-to-Many and Many-to-One Relationships

public class AuthorPostRelator
    private author current;

    public author Map(author a, post p)
        // Terminating call.  Since we can return null from this function
        // we need to be ready for PetaPoco to callback later with null
        // parameters
        if (a == null)
            return current;

        // Is this the same author as the current one we're processing
        if (current != null && current.id == a.id)
            // Yes, just add this post to the current author's collection of posts

            // Return null to indicate we're not done with this author yet
            return null;

        // This is a different author to the current one, or this is the 
        // first time through and we don't have an author yet

        // Save the current author
        var prev = current;

        // Setup the new current author
        current = a;
        current.posts = new List<post>();

        // Return the now populated previous author (or null if first time through)
        return prev;

// use the AuthorPostRelator to materialize the returned Author objects.
var authors = db.Fetch<author, post, author>(new AuthorPostRelator().Map,
    "SELECT * FROM authors LEFT JOIN posts ON posts.author = authors.id ORDER BY posts.id");

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