
时间:2016-03-18 20:11:41

标签: android arcgis

当我点击一个点时,我想在弹出窗口中显示文件和属性。但我得到Null Pointer Exception。为什么我回到我身边?你能帮帮忙吗?我能怎么做?我确实喜欢esri android示例。但它不起作用。

    /// long press to map
   mapView.setOnLongPressListener(new OnLongPressListener() {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

     // ArcGISFeatureLayer
        private ArcGISFeatureLayer featureLay = null;

      /// override onLongPress
        public boolean onLongPress(final float v, final float v1) {
            if (mapView.isLoaded()) {
                if (progressDialog != null && progressDialog.isShowing()
                        && count.intValue() == 0)
                 //dismiss dialog

                // Get the point featurelayer
                Layer[] layers = mapView.getLayers();
                for (Layer layer : layers) {
                    if (layer instanceof ArcGISFeatureLayer) {
                        ArcGISFeatureLayer fl = (ArcGISFeatureLayer) layer;
                        if (fl.getGeometryType() == Geometry.Type.POINT) {
                            featureLay = fl;
                //// if featureLay null
                if (featureLay == null)
                    return false;

                ArcGISPopupInfo popupInfos = (ArcGISPopupInfo) featureLay.getPopupInfos();

              ///!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! return to me null////////////
                if (popupInfos == null)
                    return false;

                // Create a new feature
                Point point = mapView.toMapPoint(v, v1);
                Feature feature2;
                FeatureType[] types = featureLay.getTypes();
                if (types == null || types.length < 1) {
                    FeatureTemplate[] templates = featureLay
                    if (templates == null || templates.length < 1) {
                        feature2 = new Graphic(point, null);
                    } else {
                        feature2 = featureLay.createFeatureWithTemplate(
                                templates[0], point);
                } else {
                    feature2 = featureLay.createFeatureWithType(
                            featureLay.getTypes()[0], point);

                // Instantiate a PopupContainer
                popupContainer = new PopupContainer(mapView);

                 // popup create 
                Popup popupp = featureLay.createPopup(mapView, 0, feature2);
                createEditorBar(featureLay, false);

                // Create a dialog for the popups and display it.
                popupDialog = new PopupDialog(mapView.getContext(),
              // show popup
            return true;

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