时间:2016-03-18 10:28:50

标签: sql excel vba excel-vba ssms


Imgur /Cannot post directly, sorry/




with cte ( col1, col2, col3, col4_date ) as (

select N' _1234567890/-+.<>,;:''""][{}\|_!@#$%^& *() ',N'泰Kisk眉头福克斯yumps在Tkhe拉兹狗','',cast('01-01-2015' as date) union ALL
select N' _1234567890/-+.<>,;:''""][{}\|_!@#$%^& *() ',N'abcefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'       ,'',cast('01-05-2016' as date) union ALL
select N' _1234567890/-+.<>,;:''""][{}\|_!@#$%^& *() ',N'абвгдеёжзиклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя','',cast('01-06-2019' as date)


select *
from cte

/* this is the part that should be generated ( excluding CRLF )*/
where 1=1 
 and [col1] in (N' _1234567890/-+.<>,;:''""][{}\|_!@#$%^& *() ', N' _1234567890/-+.<>,;:''""][{}\|_!@#$%^& *() ', N' _1234567890/-+.<>,;:''""][{}\|_!@#$%^& *() ') 
 and [col2] in (N'泰Kisk眉头福克斯yumps在Tkhe拉兹狗', N'abcefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', N'абвгдеёжзиклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя') 
 and [col3] in (N'', N'', N'') 
 and [col4_date] in (N'01-01-2015', N'01-05-2016', N'01-06-2019') 

实际: 它生成以下内容:

Imgur /Cannot post directly, sorry/

以文本格式(为了便于阅读,我在AND之前添加了\ r \ n):

where 1=1 
 and [col1] in (N' _1234567890/-+.<>,;:'""][{}\|_!@#$%^& *() ', N' _1234567890/-+.<>,;:'""][{}\|_!@#$%^& *() ', N' _1234567890/-+.<>,;:'""][{}\|_!@#$%^& *() ') 
 and [col2] in (N'泰Kisk眉头福克斯yumps在Tkhe拉兹狗', N'abcefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', N'абвгдеёжзиклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя') 
 and [col3] in (N'', N'', N'') 
 and [col4_date] in (N'01-Jan-15', N'01-May-16', N'01-Jun-19') 
  1. 它在[col1]


    可能的解决方案:替换(cell.value,“'”,“''”)。还有更好的吗? 方式是什么?

  2. 它将所有日期格式转换为'DD-MMM-YY'。这个问题是 跨世界网络提到,甚至在这里 stackoverflow。 但我见过的所有解决方案都是关于强制建立日期模式。一世 不能这样做,因为我的输入日期将有不同的日期 格式大部分时间。

    可能的解决方案:解析列名称或excel单元格格式(如何?) 确定它是否为日期并强制将列转换为 预定的模式。像这样:


  3. 这是代码:

    Function aqwhere_clause(A_E As Range) As String
        Dim Arr As Variant
        Arr = A_E
        Dim lStrVar As String
        Dim i As Long
        Dim j As Long
    'Where PREFIX
        lStrVar = "where 1=1 "
        For i = LBound(Arr, 2) To UBound(Arr, 2)
    'Getting COLUMN_NAME
            lStrVar = lStrVar + "and " + "[" + CStr(Arr(1, i)) + "]"
    'IF Array is more than two rows tall then use IN
            If UBound(Arr, 1) > 2 Then
                lStrVar = lStrVar + " in ("
                For j = LBound(Arr, 1) + 1 To UBound(Arr, 1)
    'Getting list of COLUMN_VALUES
                        If CStr(Arr(j, i)) = "NULL" Or CStr(Arr(j, i)) = "Null" Or CStr(Arr(j, i)) = "null" Then
                           lStrVar = lStrVar + "" + "Null" + ", "
                        Else: lStrVar = lStrVar + "N'" + CStr(Arr(j, i)) + "', "
                        End If
                Next j
                lStrVar = Left(lStrVar, Len(lStrVar) - 2) + ") "
    'IF Array has two rows then use EQUALS ( sanity check on single-dimension row should be passed by user )
    'Getting list of COLUMN_VALUES
            Else: lStrVar = lStrVar + " = N'" + CStr(Arr(2, i)) + "' "
            End If
        Next i
        aqwhere_clause = lStrVar
    End Function


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