
时间:2016-03-17 19:55:23

标签: arrays swift swift2



 // If the 'a' or 'b'are  present in string, it returns the index(>=0). 
//If not, it returns -1. So, a non-negative return value means that 'a' is
    // present in the string.
    private boolean checkText(String string) {
        final int aIndex = string.indexOf('a');
        final int bIndex = string.indexOf('b');
        if (aIndex!=-1 && bIndex!=-1) {
         return true;
        else {
            return false;

现在说我有let items = [ (a: "Item 1", b: "F", c: 3), (a: "Item 2", b: "S", c: 5), (a: "Item 3", b: "D", c: 7), (a: "Item 4", b: "A", c: 9), (a: "Item 5", b: "M", c: 11), (a: "Item 6", b: "I", c: 13), (a: "Item 7", b: "F", c: 15), (a: "Item 8", b: "S", c: 17), (a: "Item 9", b: "D", c: 19), (a: "Item 10", b: "A", c: 21), (a: "Item 11", b: "M", c: 23), (a: "Item 12", b: "I", c: 13), (a: "Item 13", b: "F", c: 15), (a: "Item 14", b: "S", c: 17), (a: "Item 15", b: "D", c: 19), (a: "Item 16", b: "A", c: 21), (a: "Item 17", b: "M", c: 23), (a: "Item 18", b: "I", c: 13), (a: "Item 19", b: "F", c: 15), (a: "Item 20", b: "S", c: 17), (a: "Item 21", b: "D", c: 19), (a: "Item 22", b: "A", c: 21), (a: "Item 23", b: "M", c: 23), (a: "Item 24", b: "I", c: 13) ] ,如何找到最近的项item[7]?我只能想到几个嵌套的for循环,但听起来很乱,而且性能不好。另外请记住,我不想在搜索时遇到b = "I"问题。关于如何处理这个问题的任何类似Swift的想法?

6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


int index = 7; 

int delta = 0;
while (true)
    delta = delta + 1;

    if ( index - delta >= 0 && matches(items[ index - delta]) {

         // Found closest index on Left :  index-delta


    if ( index + delta < items.length && matches(items[ index + delta]) {

         // Found closest index on Right:  index + delta


// Time complexity: O(N)


答案 1 :(得分:1)


extension Array {
    func closestMatch(index:Index, predicate:(Element)->Bool) -> (Int, Element)? {

        if predicate(self[index]) {
            return (index, self[index])

        var delta = 1

        while(true) {
            guard index + delta < count || index - delta >= 0 else {
                return nil

            if index + delta < count && predicate(self[index + delta]) {
                return (index + delta, self[index + delta])

            if index - delta >= 0 && predicate(self[index - delta]) {
                return (index - delta, self[index - delta])

            delta = delta + 1

print(items.closestMatch(7) { $0.1 == "I" })

答案 2 :(得分:1)


let index = 7
let searchString = "I"

let result = items.enumerate()
    .filter { $0.1.b == searchString }
    .map { (abs(index - $0.0), $0.1) }
    .minElement { $0.0 < $1.0 }
    .map { $0.1 }

print(result) // Optional(("Item 6", "I", 13))

根据David Berry的回答:

extension Array {
    func closestMatch(index: Index, predicate: (Element) -> Bool) -> Element? {
        return enumerate().filter { predicate($0.1) }.map { (abs(index - $0.0), $0.1) }.minElement { $0.0 < $1.0 }.map { $0.1 }

print(items.closestMatch(7) { $0.1 == "I" }) // Optional(("Item 6", "I", 13))

注意: 性能方面,David Berry的答案更好。

答案 3 :(得分:0)


func findClosestItem(index: Int, items: [(a: String, b: String, c: Int)]) -> (a: String, b: String, c: Int)? {

    guard index < items.count && index > -1 else{
        return nil
    var foundItem: (String, String, Int)? = nil
    var closestBefore = Int(INT16_MAX)
    for i in (index - 1).stride(to: 0, by: -1) {
        if items[index].b == items[i].b {
            closestBefore = index - i
            foundItem = items[i]

    var closestAfter = Int(INT16_MAX)
    for i in index + 1 ..< items.count {
        if items[index].b == items[i].b {
            closestAfter = i - index
            if closestAfter < closestBefore {
                foundItem = items[i]

    return foundItem



答案 4 :(得分:0)


let startIndex = 7
if startIndex < items.count,
  let nextIndex = items[startIndex+1..<items.endIndex].indexOf({ $0.b == items[startIndex].b }) {
    print(items[nextIndex]) // => "("Item 14", "S", 17)\n"


答案 5 :(得分:0)


 func closestMatch(values: [Int64], inputValue: Int64) -> Int64? {
    return (values.reduce(values[0]) { abs($0-inputValue) < abs($1-inputValue) ? $0 : $1 })
