想法是使用shell“Application object”然后,测试属于该“文件夹项目对象”的所有项目(文件或文件夹),如果它们符合某种文件类型,则会将它们添加到字典中 如果正在测试的对象是文件夹,那么它将被传递以进行处理。在这段代码中,我使用“GoTo”关键字进行文件夹处理,而不从内部调用Function,因为我尝试从内部调用函数,每次调用函数时都会创建一个新的字典并替换旧的字典值
Sub test()
Dim fpath As String
fpath = "C:\TestFolder"
Dim arrFileTypes() As Variant
arrFileTypes = Array(".docx", ".doc", ".rtf", ".txt")
'let's test if the function works
Call ListItemsInFolder2(fpath, True, arrFileTypes)
End Sub
Function ListItemsInFolder2(FolderPath As String, LookInSubFolders As Boolean, ByRef SearchedFileTypes As Variant)
Dim PathsDict As Object
Set PathsDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Dim ShellAppObject As Object
Dim objFolder As Object
Dim fldItem As Object
Dim i As Long
Dim k As Long
k = 0
'check if there is already shell objs from previous searches and set them to nothing
If (Not ShellAppObject Is Nothing) Then
Set ShellAppObject = Nothing
FolderPath = fldItem.Path
End If
If (Not objFolder Is Nothing) Then
Set objFolder = Nothing
End If
Set ShellAppObject = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set objFolder = ShellAppObject.Namespace("" & FolderPath)
'k = 0
For Each fldItem In objFolder.Items
If InStr(1, fldItem.Parent, ".zip", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then 'vbTextCompare ==> negelct case sensitivity of file extension
'its not a zip file
If (fldItem.IsFolder) Then 'check if the current item is a folder
'the item is a folder
Else 'the item is a file
For i = LBound(SearchedFileTypes) To UBound(SearchedFileTypes)
'check if the file extension ex(.doc) matches the input from array
If Mid(fldItem.Name, InStrRev(fldItem.Name, ".", , vbTextCompare)) = LCase(SearchedFileTypes(i)) Then
PathsDict.Add Key:=k, Item:=fldItem.Path 'add those files to the dictionary
k = k + 1
End If
Next i
End If
If (fldItem.IsFolder And LookInSubFolders) Then
GoTo ShellNewObj:
'*** here is the old line of code ***
'ListItemsInFolder fldItem.Path, LookInSubFolders, SearchedFileTypes
End If
Else 'its a zip file
'do nothing and bypass it
End If
Next fldItem
ListItemsInFolder2 = PathsDict.Items
Set ShellAppObject = Nothing
Set PathsDict = Nothing
End Function
答案 0 :(得分:0)
Sub UsageExample()
Dim files()
files = FindFiles("C:\temp", True, "*.docx", "*.txt")
Debug.Print Join(files, vbCrLf)
End Sub
' Function to search all the files matching on or more pattern
' @folder {String} Initial folder
' @subfolders {Boolean} If true the function will search in the sub folders
' @patterns {Array} List of patterns to search. Ex: "*.txt"
' Returns an array of full paths
Public Function FindFiles(folder As String, subfolders As Boolean, ParamArray patterns())
Dim results$(), count&, fso As Object
ReDim results(0 To 255)
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
FindFilesRecursive results, count, fso.GetFolder(folder), Array(patterns)(0), subfolders
' resize and return the results
If count Then
ReDim Preserve results(0 To count - 1)
FindFiles = results
End If
End Function
Private Sub FindFilesRecursive(results$(), count&, folder As Object, patterns, recursive As Boolean)
Dim item As Object, name$
' handle each file
For Each item In folder.files
name = item.name
For Each pattern In patterns
If name Like pattern Then
If count > UBound(results) Then ReDim Preserve results(0 To UBound(results) * 2)
results(count) = item.path
count = count + 1
End If
' handle each folder
If recursive Then
For Each item In folder.subfolders
FindFilesRecursive results, count, item, patterns, recursive
End If
End Sub
' Function to search all the files matching on or more pattern
' @folder {String} Initial folder
' @subfolders {Boolean} If true the function will search in the sub folders
' @patterns {Array} List of patterns to search. Ex: "*.txt"
' Returns an array of full paths
Function FindFiles(ByVal folder$, subfolders As Boolean, ParamArray patterns())
Dim fname$, dname$, i&, pattern, files$(), filesLen&, folders$(), foldersLen&
If Right(folder, 1) <> "\" Then folder = folder & "\"
ReDim files$(0 To 1024)
ReDim folders$(0 To 1024)
folders(0) = folder
foldersLen = 1
Do While i < foldersLen
folder = folders(i)
' handle files
fname = Dir(folder)
Do While Len(fname)
For Each pattern In patterns
If fname Like pattern Then
If filesLen > UBound(files) Then ReDim Preserve files(0 To UBound(files) * 2)
files(filesLen) = folder & fname
filesLen = filesLen + 1
End If
fname = Dir()
' handle sub folders
If subfolders Then
dname = Dir(folder, vbDirectory)
Do While Len(dname)
If Asc(dname) <> 46 Then ' if doesn't start with "."
If (GetAttr(folder & dname) And vbDirectory) <> 0 Then
If foldersLen > UBound(folders) Then
ReDim Preserve folders(0 To UBound(folders) * 2)
End If
folders(foldersLen) = folder & dname & "\"
foldersLen = foldersLen + 1
End If
End If
dname = Dir()
End If
i = i + 1
' resize and return the results
If filesLen Then
ReDim Preserve files(0 To filesLen - 1)
FindFiles = files
End If
End Function
FindFiles with FileSystemObject : 23078 ms
FindFiles with Dir() : 5000 ms