
时间:2016-03-16 14:32:33

标签: physics bounce vpython

编辑:我现在已经解决了我问过的问题。球体在角落里离开了盒子,if语句(在下面显示的while循环中)被混淆了。在与墙壁接触时反转速度的各个组成部分的代码中,使用了一些elif语句。当使用elif(据我所知),如果球体一次超过一个位置限制,程序只会反转其中一个的速度分量。用if if替换elif就可以解决这个问题了。我不确定我是否完全理解这背后的原因,所以希望有人比我更聪明地评论这些信息,但是现在,如果有人有同样的问题,我希望我的有限输入有帮助!




当球体在x方向上与墙壁相遇时,其x速度分量反转,并且在y和z方向上类似。 当球体与另一个球体相遇时,它们会交换速度。


我对编程非常陌生,我不太了解这里发生了什么或者为什么会发生这种情况,但如果有人能帮助我,我会非常感激。< / p>


# This code is meant to create an empty box and then create
# a certain number of spheres (num_spheres) that will sit inside
# the box. Each sphere will then be assigned a random velocity vector.
# A loop will then adjust the position of each sphere to make them
# move. The spheres will undergo elastic collisions with the box walls
# and also with the other spheres in the box.


from visual import *
import random as random
import numpy as np

num_spheres = 15 

fps = 24 #fps of while loop (later)

dt = 1.0/fps #time step

l = 40 #length of box

w = 2 #width of box

radius = 0.5 #radius of spheres

# Creating an empty box with sides length/height l, width w

wallR = box(pos = (l/2.0,0,0), size=(w,l,l), color=color.white, opacity=0.25)
wallL = box(pos = (-l/2.0,0,0), size=(w,l,l), color=color.white, opacity=0.25)
wallU = box(pos = (0,l/2.0,0), size=(l,w,l), color=color.white, opacity=0.25)
wallD = box(pos = (0,-l/2.0,0), size=(l,w,l), color=color.white, opacity=0.25)
wallF = box(pos = (0,0,l/2.0), size=(l,l,w), color=color.white, opacity=0.25)
wallB = box(pos = (0,0,-l/2.0), size=(l,l,w), color=color.white, opacity=0.25)

#defining a function that creates a list of 'num_spheres' randomly positioned spheres
def create_spheres(num):
    global l, radius
    particles = []  # Create an empty list
    for i in range(0,num): # Loop i from 0 to num-1
        v = np.random.rand(3)
        particles.append(sphere(pos= (3.0/4.0*l) * (v - 0.5), #pos such that spheres are inside box
                            radius = radius, color=color.red, index=i))
        # each sphere is given an index for ease of referral later
    return particles

#defining a global variable = the array of velocities for the spheres
velarray = []

#defining a function that gives each sphere a random velocity
def velocity_spheres(sphere_list):
     global velarray
     for sphere in spheres:
        #making the sign of each velocity component random
        rand = random.randint(0,1) 
        if rand == 1:
            sign = 1
            sign = -1

        mu = 10 #defining an average for normal distribution
        sigma = 0.1 #defining standard deviation of normal distribution

        # 3 random numbers form the velocity vector
        vel = vector(sign*random.normalvariate(mu, sigma),sign*random.normalvariate(mu, sigma),
                 sign*random.normalvariate(mu, sigma))


spheres = create_spheres(num_spheres) #creating some spheres
velocity_spheres(spheres) # invoking the velocity function

while True:

    for sphere in spheres:
        sphere.pos += velarray[sphere.index]*dt
        #incrementing sphere position by reference to its own velocity vector

        if abs(sphere.pos.x) > (l/2.0)-w-radius:
            (velarray[sphere.index])[0] = -(velarray[sphere.index])[0]
            #reversing x-velocity on contact with a side wall

        elif abs(sphere.pos.y) > (l/2.0)-w-radius:
            (velarray[sphere.index])[1] = -(velarray[sphere.index])[1]
            #reversing y-velocity on contact with a side wall

        elif abs(sphere.pos.z) > (l/2.0)-w-radius:
            (velarray[sphere.index])[2] = -(velarray[sphere.index])[2]
            #reversing z-velocity on contact with a side wall

        for sphere2 in spheres: #checking other spheres
            if sphere2 != sphere:
                #making sure we aren't checking the sphere against itself

                if abs(sphere2.pos-sphere.pos) < (sphere.radius+sphere2.radius):
                    #if the other spheres are touching the sphere we are looking at

                    v1 = velarray[sphere.index]
                    #noting the velocity of the first sphere before the collision

                    velarray[sphere.index] = velarray[sphere2.index]
                    #giving the first sphere the velocity of the second before the collision
                    velarray[sphere2.index] = v1
                    #giving the second sphere the velocity of the first before the collision


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