播种Node / MongoDB应用程序的最佳方法是什么?

时间:2016-03-15 20:54:11

标签: json node.js mongodb mongoose



node-mongo-seed ;非常简单,但在数组末尾始终抛出错误。 (也许缺少的bson模块有问题?)

Successfully initialized mongoose-seed
[ 'app/models/locationsModel.js' ]
Locations collection cleared
Error creating document [0] of Location model
Error: Location validation failed
Error creating document [1] of Location model
Error: Location validation failed
Error creating document [2] of Location model
Error: Location validation failed...

mongoose-seed ;同样非常简单,基本上在导出到数据库之前将JSON对象放入变量中。有希望,但......更多错误......

        "header": "Dan's Place",
        "rating": 3,
        "address": "125 High Street, New York, 10001",
        "cord1": -73.0812,
        "cord2": 40.8732,
        "attributes": ["Hot drinks", "Food", "Premium wifi"],
        "hours": [
                "days": "Monday - Friday",
                "hours": "7:00am - 7:00pm",
                "closed": false
                "days": "Saturday",
                "hours": "8:00am - 5:00pm",
                "closed": false
                "days": "Sunday",
                "closed": true
        "reviews": [
                "rating": 4,
                "id": ObjectId(),
                "author": "Philly B.",
                "timestamp": "new Date('Feb 3, 2016')",
                "body": "It was fine, but coffee was a bit dull. Nice atmosphere."
                "rating": 3,
                "id": ObjectId(),
                "author": "Tom B.",
                "timestamp": "new Date('Feb 23, 2016')",
                "body": "I asked for her number. She said no."
        "header": "Jared's Jive",
        "rating": 5,
        "address": "747 Fly Court, New York, 10001",
        "cord1": -73.0812,
        "cord2": 40.8732,
        "attributes": ["Live Music", "Rooftop Bar", "2 Floors"],
        "hours": [
                "days": "Monday - Friday",
                "hours": "7:00am - 7:00pm",
                "closed": false
                "days": "Saturday",
                "hours": "8:00am - 5:00pm",
                "closed": false
                "days": "Sunday",
                "closed": true
        "reviews": [
                "rating": 5,
                "id": ObjectId(),
                "author": "Jacob G.",
                "timestamp": "new Date('Feb 3, 2016')",
                "body": "Whoa! The music here is wicked good. Definitely going again."
                "rating": 4,
                "id": ObjectId(),
                "author": "Tom B.",
                "timestamp": "new Date('Feb 23, 2016')",
                "body": "I asked to play her a tune. She said no."


var mongoose = require('mongoose');

var subHoursSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
    days: {type: String, required: true},
    opening: String,
    closing: String,
    closed: {type: Boolean, required: true}

var subReviewsSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
    rating: {type: Number, required: true, min: 0, max: 5},
    author: String,
    timestamp: {type: Date, "default": Date.now},
    body: String

var locationSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
    name: {type: String, required: true},
    address: String,
    rating: {type: Number, "default": 0, min: 0, max: 5}, 
    attributes: [String],
    coordinates: {type: [Number], index: '2dsphere'},
    openHours: [subHoursSchema],
    reviews: [subReviewsSchema]

mongoose.model('Location', locationSchema);



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4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:11)





答案 1 :(得分:1)



        "name": "Dan's Place",
        "rating": 3,
        "address": "125 High Street, New York, 10001",
        "coordinates": [-73.0812, 40.8732],
        "attributes": ["Hot drinks", "Food", "Premium wifi"],
        "openHours": [
                "days": "Monday - Friday",
                "opening": "7:00am",
                "closing": "7:00pm",
                "closed": false
                "days": "Saturday",
                "opening": "8:00am",
                "closing": "5:00pm",
                "closed": false
                "days": "Sunday",
                "closed": true
        "reviews": [
                "rating": 4,
                "author": "Philly B.",
                "timestamp": "new Date('Feb 3, 2016')",
                "body": "It was fine, but coffee was a bit dull. Nice atmosphere."
                "rating": 3,
                "author": "Tom B.",
                "timestamp": "new Date('Feb 23, 2016')",
                "body": "I asked for her number. She said no."
        "name": "Jared's Jive",
        "rating": 5,
        "address": "747 Fly Court, New York, 10001",
        "coordinates": [-73.0812, 40.8732],
        "attributes": ["Live Music", "Rooftop Bar", "2 Floors"],
        "openHours": [
                "days": "Monday - Friday",
                "opening": "7:00am",
                "closing": "7:00pm",
                "closed": false
                "days": "Saturday",
                "opening": "8:00am",
                "closing": "5:00pm",
                "closed": false
                "days": "Sunday",
                "closed": true
        "reviews": [
                "rating": 5,
                "author": "Jacob G.",
                "timestamp": "new Date('Feb 3, 2016')",
                "body": "Whoa! The music here is wicked good. Definitely going again."
                "rating": 4,
                "author": "Tom B.",
                "timestamp": "new Date('Feb 23, 2016')",
                "body": "I asked to play her a tune. She said no."

您可以使用mongoose-data-seed编写自己的种子脚本,以便与您的猫鼬模型进行交互: https://github.com/sharvit/mongoose-data-seed

答案 2 :(得分:0)

我在项目上解决了此问题,方法是使用 <soapenv:Body> <bean:getPersonByUserIdIP> <bean:attribute>name</bean:attribute> <bean:attribute>address</bean:attribute> <bean:userId>hx52301</bean:userId> <bean:userType/> </bean:getPersonByUserIdIP> </soapenv:Body>` 将相关数据转储到扩展的JSON数组格式的文件中,然后使用mongoexport --jsonArray包将其导入到Node应用程序中的POJO格式。然后,我仅使用Mongoose,使用您使用Mongoose创建的正确集合模型,将结果JS数组重新插入数据库中。

为应用程序播种以进行首次运行所需的JSON数据文件被检入到应用程序存储库中。 这是一个快速示例,您也许可以适应您的目的:


答案 3 :(得分:0)

我还建议您研究mongo-seeding。有JS库版本和CLI版本。 here描述了该库的动机。