在MAC OS X上安装GTK + El Capitan出错了

时间:2016-03-15 18:20:44

标签: c user-interface gtk gtk3

我还是C编程的新手,但我认为我可以处理它的所有主要部分作为指针,函数,数组.......现在我期待GUI编程。我想要一些可以处理跨平台的东西。所以我决定去GTK +。我在他们的网站上发现了这个:

首先,确保您的系统满足上述要求,然后下载并运行安装脚本(gtk-osx-build-setup.sh)。如果您的应用程序已经有一个模块,那么构建应用程序所需的一切都由jhbuild处理。构建页面有详细说明。 所以我的系统符合要求。我已经下载了该文件。我打开了我的终端并写道:

sh gtk-osx-build-setup.sh


Checking out jhbuild (7c8d34736c3804) from git...
Switched to branch 'master'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
Deleted branch stable (was 7c8d347).
Already up-to-date.
Switched to a new branch 'stable'
Installing jhbuild...
-n WARNING: aclocal not available (usually part of package 'autoconf')

-n WARNING: automake not available (usually part of package 'automake')

-n WARNING: autopoint not available (usually part of package 'gettext')

-n WARNING: pkg-config not available (usually part of package 'pkgconfig')

-n WARNING: yelp-tools not available (usually part of package 'yelp-tools')

-n Configuring jhbuild without autotools

-n Now type `make' to compile jhbuild

Installing jhbuild configuration...
Installing gtk-osx moduleset files...
PATH does not contain /Users/myname/.local/bin, it is recommended that you add that.


我应该怎么认识男人?请帮忙! 我也试图在一个捆绑中做所有...所以我去了我下载的目录。而不是运行make install。我应该输入比安装更多的东西,或者它就是一切?

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