
时间:2016-03-15 15:22:43

标签: svg css-animations




See this sketch for a better understanding

1 个答案:

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也许您应该使用getTotalLength()来获取当前路径长度。 然后,这个脚本是一个例子,线条一直延伸到滚动的中间,然后就像你的图画一样消失。



var path = document.querySelector(".path");
// Get the actual length of your path.
var len = path.getTotalLength();
// Dashes have the exact length of the path.
path.style.strokeDasharray = len + " " + len;
// Shift of the length of the path, so the line is quite not visible.
path.style.strokeDashoffset = len;
// Attach to the window's scroll event.
window.addEventListener( 'scroll', function() {
    // Getting the page dimensions.
    var rect = document.querySelector( 'html' ).getBoundingClientRect();
    // Height is the size of the page which is out of screen.
    var height = rect.height - window.innerHeight;
    // Percent of scroll bar. 0 Means the top, 1 the bottom.
    var percent = height < 0 ? 1
            : -rect.top / height;
    // If you omit the `2 *` you will get a growing only path.
    path.style.strokeDashoffset = len * (1 - 2 * percent);
}, false);