我使用insert / table命令在excel中创建了两个命名表,并将它们命名为如下所示。在excel中看起来都很好。表House_details的行数为50,包括标题行和Sale_price_schedule 15的行数,包括标题行。
Set tblHouseDetails = Sheets("House details").ListObjects("House_details")
Set tblSalePriceSchedule = Sheets("Sale price schedule").ListObjects("Sale_price_schedule")
'Find the product type, look for the relevant price and insert it into the appropriate house details column
With tblHouseDetails.DataBodyRange
For iCount = 2 To Rows.Count
iTemp = Rows.Count
strProductType = Cells(iCount, 5).Value 'The fifth columns is the product type
dSaleDate = Cells(iCount, 3).Value 'The third column is the sale date
'Find the correct sale price in the SalePriceSchedule
dblSalePrice = -999
With tblSalePriceSchedule.DataBodyRange
iTemp = Rows.Count
For iCount2 = 2 To Rows.Count
If Cells(iCount2, 3) = strProductType And Cells(iCount2, 1) <= dSaleDate And Cells(iCount2, 2) >= dSaleDate Then
dblSalePrice = Cells(iCount2, 4)
End If
Next iCount2
End With
Cells(iCount, 6) = dblSalePrice
Next iCount
End With
答案 0 :(得分:1)
当&#34;行&#34;和&#34;细胞&#34;单独使用,它们指的是&#34; ActiveSheet.Rows&#34;和&#34; ActiveSheet.Cells&#34;。
如果您想参考&#34; With.DataBodyRange&#34;中的范围,您需要在前面添加一个点(&#34; .Rows&#34;,&#34; .Cells&#34 ):
Set tblHouseDetails = Sheets("House details").ListObjects("House_details")
Set tblSalePriceSchedule = Sheets("Sale price schedule").ListObjects("Sale_price_schedule")
'Find the product type, look for the relevant price and insert it into the appropriate house details column
With tblHouseDetails.DataBodyRange
For iCount = 1 To .Rows.Count
iTemp = .Rows.Count
strProductType = .Cells(iCount, 5).Value 'The fifth columns is the product type
dSaleDate = .Cells(iCount, 3).Value 'The third column is the sale date
'Find the correct sale price in the SalePriceSchedule
dblSalePrice = -999
With tblSalePriceSchedule.DataBodyRange
iTemp = .Rows.Count
For iCount2 = 1 To .Rows.Count
If .Cells(iCount2, 3) = strProductType And .Cells(iCount2, 1) <= dSaleDate And .Cells(iCount2, 2) >= dSaleDate Then
dblSalePrice = .Cells(iCount2, 4)
End If
Next iCount2
End With
.Cells(iCount, 6) = dblSalePrice
Next iCount
End With
Dim rowsA As Range, rowsB As Range
Set rowsA = tblHouseDetails.DataBodyRange.Rows
Set rowsB = tblSalePriceSchedule.DataBodyRange.Rows
'Find the product type, look for the relevant price and insert it into the appropriate house details column
For i = 1 To rowsA.Count
strProductType = rowsA.Cells(i, 5).Value 'The fifth columns is the product type
dSaleDate = rowsA.Cells(i, 3).Value 'The third column is the sale date
'Find the correct sale price in the SalePriceSchedule
dblSalePrice = -999
For j = 1 To rowsB.Count
If rowsB.Cells(j, 3) = strProductType And rowsB.Cells(j, 1) <= dSaleDate And rowsB.Cells(j, 2) >= dSaleDate Then
rowsA.Cells(i, 6) = rowsB.Cells(j, 4)
End If
Dim dataA(), dataB(), i&, j&, strProductType$, dSaleDate, dblSalePrice
' Get all the values in an array
dataA = Sheets("House details").ListObjects("House_details").DataBodyRange.Value
dataB = Sheets("Sale price schedule").ListObjects("Sale_price_schedule").DataBodyRange.Value
For i = 0 To UBound(dataA)
strProductType = dataA(i, 4) 'The fifth columns is the product type
dSaleDate = dataA(i, 2) 'The third column is the sale date
'Find the correct sale price in the SalePriceSchedule
dblSalePrice = -999
For j = 0 To UBound(dataB)
If dataB(j, 2) = strProductType And dataB(j, 0) <= dSaleDate And dataB(j, 1) >= dSaleDate Then
dataA(i, 5) = dataB(j, 3)
End If
' Copy the values back to the sheet
Sheets("House details").ListObjects("House_details").DataBodyRange.Value = dataA
答案 1 :(得分:0)
您正在House_details ListObject的.DataBodyRange property内工作。 With ... End With statement内部使用的所有引用都需要以句点(又名句号或.
,Cells(iCount2, 3)
需要.Cells(iCount2, 3)
一旦您输入嵌套的With ... End With,Range.Parent property会转移到Sale_price_schedule表,这些Range.Cells和Range.Rows属性需要相同的语法才能将其父引用调整为Sale_price_schedule表。
来电均默认为ActiveSheet property,没有前置时段。
Set tblHouseDetails = Sheets("House details").ListObjects("House_details")
Set tblSalePriceSchedule = Sheets("Sale price schedule").ListObjects("Sale_price_schedule")
'Find the product type, look for the relevant price and insert it into the appropriate house details column
With tblHouseDetails.DataBodyRange
For iCount = 2 To .Rows.Count
iTemp = .Rows.Count
strProductType = .Cells(iCount, 5).Value 'The fifth columns is the product type
dSaleDate = .Cells(iCount, 3).Value 'The third column is the sale date
'Find the correct sale price in the SalePriceSchedule
dblSalePrice = -999
With tblSalePriceSchedule.DataBodyRange
iTemp = .Rows.Count
For iCount2 = 2 To .Rows.Count
If .Cells(iCount2, 3) = strProductType And .Cells(iCount2, 1) <= dSaleDate And .Cells(iCount2, 2) >= dSaleDate Then
dblSalePrice = .Cells(iCount2, 4)
End If
Next iCount2
End With
.Cells(iCount, 6) = dblSalePrice
Next iCount
End With
在相关说明中,检索Range.Row属性将检索工作表上的实际行,并且必须通过.HeaderRowRange property的行进行调整,以返回表中的行位置。