我试图在下个月从使用selenium和beautifulsoup的日期选择器中选择同一天但是beautifulsoup总是获取开始月份的日期元素。 datepicker将所有日期保存为<td>
# activating datepicker. need to select the date now
bsObj = BeautifulSoup(pageSource, 'lxml')
calendar = bsObj.find_all('td')
today_index = -1
searching = True
# check if there are 30 days on the visible calendar after the current day
for i in range(len(calendar)):
calendar[i] = calendar[i].div
print calendar[i].text
if day == calendar[i].text and searching:
today_index = i
searching = False
print calendar
# if there are 30 days left, select the day on the calendar
if (len(calendar) - today_index) >= 30:
thirty_from_today = calendar[today_index + 30]
# if there are not 30 days left, move to next month and find 30th day from today
searching = True
driver.find_element_by_css_selector("*[title='Next month']").click()
next_month_calendar = bsObj.find_all('td')
print 'MOVING TO NEXT MONTH', next_month_calendar
for i in range(len(next_month_calendar)):
next_month_calendar[i] = next_month_calendar[i].div
print next_month_calendar[i].text
if day == next_month_calendar[i].text and searching:
searching = False
print 'setting thirty_from_today variablr too', next_month_calendar[i]
thirty_from_today = next_month_calendar[i]