
时间:2016-03-12 19:25:01

标签: git hook jekyll

我使用 jekyll gh-pages 分支中构建我的网站。我想将生成的内容从_site/目录提交到另一个(本地)分支的根目录(例如,名为 web-site ),替换其所有内容。

我不想将_site/提交到 gh-pages 分支,只提交网站分支。


(gh-pages)$ jekyll build --config _config-production.yml
(gh-pages)$ mv _site/ ../
(gh-pages)$ git checkout web-site
(web-site)$ rm -rf * # remove all current contents except dotfiles
(web-site)$ mv ../_site/* . && rmdir ../_site/
(web-site)$ git commit -a


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


  • 设置临时索引文件;
  • 填充该索引文件;
  • 使用git write-tree将其转换为顶级树;
  • 使用git commit-tree从该树进行提交;和
  • 使用git update-ref更新所需的分支名称。



#! /bin/sh

# commit-dir-to-branch: given a directory ($1) and branch
# name ($2), make a new commit on the target branch that
# consists of that directory's contents.

# NB: totally untested!

# Get git script goodies.
. $(git --exec-path)/git-sh-setup

# Make sure target directory exists.
[ -d "$dir" ] || die "fatal: $dir is not a directory"

# Make sure branch name exists and names an actual branch
# (note: symbolic refs get resolved here, we could check
# and reject a symbolic ref too).
fullbranch=$(git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name "$2") || exit 1
case "$fullbranch" in
refs/heads/*) ;;
*) die "fatal: $branch does not name a branch"

# Choose new temp index file, make sure to clean it up on
# exit, interrupt, etc.
GIT_INDEX_FILE=$(mktemp) || die "fatal: unable to create temp index"
trap "rm -f $GIT_INDEX_FILE 0 1 2 3 15"

# Now fill in the index from the directory.
# Note that we don't override ignore files (.git/info/exclude,
# core.excludesFile, etc).  This may be a feature or a bug...
git --work-tree="$dir" add . || die "fatal: error adding $dir"

# Write the tree, and make a commit.  The new commit's parent
# is the commit currently at the head of the target branch.
# We probably should allow -m and -F arguments to this script
# for setting the message, rather than just supplying "autocommit"
# here.
tree=$(git write-tree) || die "fatal: error writing tree"
commit=$(git commit-tree -p $fullbranch -m "autocommit from $dir") ||
    die "fatal: error writing commit"

# Finally, update the branch ref.  Finishing the script will
# remove the temporary index.
git update-ref -m "autocommit from $dir" $fullbranch $commit

答案 1 :(得分:0)

感谢torek's answer,我能够创建一个经过全面测试的解决方案,完全满足我的需求:

#! /usr/bin/env bash

build_jekyll_site() {
  # $1 is the expected source branch
  local source_br; source_br=$1
  # $2 is the name of the target branch
  local tgt_br; tgt_br=$2
  # $3 jekyll config file to build
  local config; config=$3

  local cur_branch; cur_branch=$(git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name HEAD) || return 1

  # skip execution on other branches
  [[ $cur_branch == "refs/heads/$source_br" ]] || return 0

  # create message
  local message; message="Jekyll build from $source_br:$(git rev-parse --verify 'HEAD^{commit}' | cut -c1-7)"$'\n'$'\n'"$(git cat-file commit HEAD | sed '1,/^$/d')"

  # import git utils: needed for die, require_clean_work_tree
  . "$(git --exec-path)/git-sh-setup" || return 1

  # ensure target branch exists
  local target_branch; target_branch=$(git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name "$tgt_br" 2>/dev/null) || die "fatal: $tgt_br is not a branch"
  case "$target_branch" in
      die "fatal: $tgt_br is not a branch"

  # don't build what's not checked in

  # check that jekyll config file exists
  [[ -f $config ]] || die "fatal: $config is not a file or does not exist"

  # build using jekyll 3
  local regex
  regex='^jekyll 3[.](0[.][3-9][0-9]*|0[.][1-2][0-9]+|[1-9][0-9]*[.][0-9]+)'
  local jekyll
  jekyll=$(jekyll -v 2>/dev/null)
  [[ $jekyll =~ $regex ]] || die "fatal: requires jekyll >= 3.0.3 to build"

  # prep the working location
  local workdir; workdir=$(mktemp -d --tmpdir jekyll-XXXXXXXXXX) || die "fatal: unable to allocate a temporary directory"
  trap "rm -rf '""$workdir""'" 0 1 2 3 15

  # actually generate the site
  jekyll build --config "$config" --destination "$workdir/_site" --safe || die "fatal: jekyll build failure"

  # prepare and commit to the target branch
  export GIT_INDEX_FILE="$workdir/index"
  git --work-tree="$workdir/_site" add . || die "fatal: error adding $workdir/_site"
  local tree; tree=$(git write-tree) || die "fatal: error writing tree"
  local commit; commit=$(git commit-tree "$tree" -p "$target_branch" -m "$message") || die "fatal: error writing commit"
  git update-ref -m "$message" "$target_branch" "$commit" || die "fatal: error updating ref"

  return 0

build_jekyll_site 'gh-pages' 'web-site' '_config-production.yml'