
时间:2016-03-11 16:25:57

标签: sql oracle

这里我描述一个抽象的案例,但它类似于我现在试图解决的案例。我知道如何使用PL / SQL块获得粗略结果,但我想知道是否有人可以使用单个选择查询来建议解决方案。


  • id
  • age,号码
  • height in cm,number
  • gender,varchar2('male'或'female')


  • 30%的选定人员高于180厘米
  • 60%的被选人是男性
  • 40%的被选人年龄超过40岁




2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


  • 高于180的300人,不是男性,不是年长
  • 100人短,不是男性,不是年长
  • 400人短,男性,年长
  • 200人短,男性,不年长


with p as (
      select p.*,
             row_number() over (partition by height, male, age order by height) as seqnum
      from (select p.*,
                   (case when height > 180 then 1 else 0 end) as height,
                   (case when gender = 'male' then 1 else 0 end) as male,
                   (case when age > 40 then 1 else 0 end) as age
            from people p
           ) p
select p.*
from p
where (height = 1 and male = 0 and age = 0 and seqnum <= 300) or
      (height = 0 and male = 0 and age = 0 and seqnum <= 100) or
      (height = 0 and male = 1 and age = 1 and seqnum <= 400) or
      (height = 0 and male = 1 and age = 0 and seqnum <= 200);


答案 1 :(得分:0)

我最终选择suggested的第一种方法Gordon Linoff并做了一些小修改。我保留了最初的想法,但还引入了几个额外的子查询,以指定组内记录的所需分布,并构建一个矩阵,每个组具有所需的记录计数。还有全局参数段,其中包含指定总记录数的唯一参数。


    people as (
        select  id,
                floor(months_between(sysdate, date_birth)/12) age,
                195 - least(floor(months_between(sysdate, date_birth)/12), 50) height,
                decode(sex, 1, 'male', 'female') gender
        from    my_people_table
        where   date_birth is not null and rownum < 100000
    params as ( /* Global params */
        select  100 rec_count   -- total record count 
        from dual
    age_groups as (     /* distribution by height */
        select  'group 1' age_group, .7 prc from dual union
        select  'group 2' age_group, .3 prc from dual  
    height_groups as ( /* distribution by height */
        select  'group 1' height_group, .6 prc from dual union
        select  'group 2' height_group, .4 prc from dual  
    genders as (       /* distribution by gender */
        select  'male'   gender, .6 prc from dual union
        select  'female' gender, .4 prc from dual  
    mx as (            /* a matrix with record counts per group */
        select  age_group, height_group, gender,
                    age_groups.prc * 
                    height_groups.prc * 
                    genders.prc * 
                )  rec_count       
        from    age_groups, height_groups, genders, params
    xpeople as (       /* Minor transformations - groups and group counters */
        select  p.*, 
                row_number() over (
                    partition by age_group, height_group, gender
                        order by age_group, height_group, gender
                ) rec_num
        from (                             
                select  people.*,
                            when age    <=  40 then 'group 1' 
                                               else 'group 2' 
                        end age_group,
                            when height <= 180 then 'group 1' 
                                               else 'group 2' 
                        end height_group
                from    people
        ) p
/* the resulting query uses the matrix to filter the records */    
select  xpeople.*
from    xpeople join mx 
            on  xpeople.age_group = mx.age_group 
            and xpeople.height_group = mx.height_group      
            and xpeople.gender = mx.gender
            and xpeople.rec_num <= mx.rec_count 
