我有一个电子秤ASCELL I210。 我想用RS232串口从中获取重量信息。 我使用的代码对我有用,但问题是文本框反复从缓冲区获得相同的结果所以我添加了一个包含_serialPort.Close()的try catch。以及_serialPort.Dispose(); 注意:我试图只使用_serialPort.Close();但它也没有用 我得到了我想要的结果但是弹出一个窗口说uncontrolled expression in application ... the port is closed 如果是我可以解决问题的其他方式请告诉我该怎么做
public partial class Form1 : Form
private SerialPort _serialPort; //<-- declares a SerialPort Variable to be used throughout the form
private const int BaudRate = 9600; //<-- BaudRate Constant. 9600 seems to be the scale-units default value
public Form1()
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string[] portNames = SerialPort.GetPortNames(); //<-- Reads all available comPorts
foreach (var portName in portNames)
comboBox1.Items.Add(portName); //<-- Adds Ports to combobox
comboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0; //<-- Selects first entry (convenience purposes)
private delegate void Closure();
private void SerialPortOnDataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs serialDataReceivedEventArgs)
if (InvokeRequired) //<-- Makes sure the function is invoked to work properly in the UI-Thread
BeginInvoke(new Closure(() => { SerialPortOnDataReceived(sender, serialDataReceivedEventArgs); })); //<-- Function invokes itself
while (_serialPort.BytesToRead > 0) //<-- repeats until the In-Buffer is empty
textBox1.Text += string.Format("{0:X2} ", _serialPort.ReadByte());
if (_serialPort != null)
catch (InvalidCastException e)
private void button1_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
//<-- This block ensures that no exceptions happen
if (_serialPort != null && _serialPort.IsOpen)
if (_serialPort != null)
//<-- End of Block
_serialPort = new SerialPort(comboBox1.Text, BaudRate, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One); //<-- Creates new SerialPort using the name selected in the combobox
_serialPort.DataReceived += SerialPortOnDataReceived; //<-- this event happens everytime when new data is received by the ComPort
_serialPort.Open(); //<-- make the comport listen
textBox1.Text = "Listening on " + _serialPort.PortName + "...\r\n";
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (_serialPort.IsOpen)
Startbutton.Enabled = true;
stopbutton.Enabled = false;
textBox1.ReadOnly = true;