#Ask weather to print BMI or BMR
output = str(input('Calulate BMI or BMR or Exit: '))
print (output)
if output == 'BMI' or 'bmi':
#Get height and weight values
height = int(input('Please enter your height in inches: '))
weight = int(input('Please enter your weight in pounds: '))
#Do the first steps of the formula
heightSquared = (height * height)
finalWeight = (weight * 703)
#Fiqure out and print the BMI
bmi = finalWeight / heightSquared
if bmi < 18:
text = 'Underweight'
if bmi <= 24: # we already know that bmi is >=18
text = 'Ideal'
if bmi <= 29:
text = 'Overweight'
if bmi <= 39:
text = 'Obese'
text = 'Extremely Obese'
print ('Your BMI is: ' + str(bmi))
print ('This is: ' + text)
if output == 'bmr' or 'BMR':
gender = input('Are you male (M) or female (F) ')
if gender == 'M' or 'm':
#Get user's height, weight and age values.
height = int(input('Please enter your height in inches'))
weight = int(input('Please enter your weight in pounds'))
age = int(input('Please enter your age in years'))
#Figure out and print the BmR
bmr = 66 + (6.2 * weight) + (12.7 * height) - (6.76 * age)
print (bmr)
if gender == 'F' or 'f':
#Get user's height, weight and age values.
height = int(input('Please enter your height in inches'))
weight = int(input('Please enter your weight in pounds'))
age = int(input('Please enter your age in years'))
#Figure out and print the BmR
bmr = 655 + (4.35 * weight) + (4.7 * height) - (4.7 * age)
print (bmr)
elif output == 'exit' or 'Exit' or 'EXIT':
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# Menu
# Ask whether to print BMI, BMR, or to exit
output = str(input('Calulate BMI or BMR or Exit: '))
print ('You entered: ' + output) # Try not to print 'random' info
# Exit, I put it up here to make sure the next step doesn't trigger
if output == 'exit' or output == 'Exit' or output == 'EXIT':
print('Exiting...') # Try to always notify the user about what is going on
# Check if the input is valid
if output != 'BMI' and output != 'bmi' and output != 'BMR' and output != 'bmr':
print('Please enter a valid choice.')
# Get user's height, weight and age values
# Never write code more than once, either place it in a function or
# take it elsewhere where it will be used once only
height = int(input('Please enter your height in inches: '))
weight = int(input('Please enter your weight in pounds: '))
if output == 'BMI' or output == 'bmi':
# Do the first steps of the formula
heightSquared = (height * height)
finalWeight = (weight * 703)
# Figure out and print the BMI
bmi = finalWeight / heightSquared
if bmi < 18: # First step, is it less than 18?
text = 'Underweight'
elif bmi <= 24: # If it isn't is it less than or equal to 24?
text = 'Ideal'
elif bmi <= 29: # If not is it less than or equal to 29?
text = 'Overweight'
elif bmi <= 39: # If not is it less than or equal to 39?
text = 'Obese'
else: # If none of the above work, i.e. it is greater than 39, do this.
text = 'Extremely Obese'
print ('Your BMI is: ' + str(bmi))
print ('This is: ' + text)
elif output == 'bmr' or output == 'BMR':
gender = str(input('Are you male (M) or female (F): '))
age = int(input('Please enter your age in years: '))
bmr = 0 # Initialize the bmr
if gender == 'M' or gender == 'm':
# Figure out and print the BMR
bmr = 66 + (6.2 * weight) + (12.7 * height) - (6.76 * age)
if gender == 'F' or gender == 'f':
# Figure out and print the BMR
bmr = 655 + (4.35 * weight) + (4.7 * height) - (4.7 * age)
print ('Your BMR is: ' + bmr)