答案 0 :(得分:2)
其次,以下操作不应该在已被推送的本地仓库上进行,因为它们具有破坏性。 (如果已经推送了更改,则应首先创建一个将作为工作副本的分支,然后在复制的分支上应用此方法。可以使用git rebase
第三,它不确定你真的想要那样做。可能有另一种方法来处理您的情况。阅读所有内容并在开始之前自己判断。 (复制你的回购,否则一个被遗忘的步骤可能会让你后悔没有副本。)
现在,假设您想要这样做,请按照以下方式:我们的想法是“倒带”。使用git reset
和git stash
es进行提交直到您要开始的第一次提交。在那里,创建专用于文件的分支。然后,一个接一个地访问每个分支stash pop
nico@ometeotl:~/temp$ mkdir local_repo_test
nico@ometeotl:~/temp$ cd local_repo_test/
nico@ometeotl:~/temp/local_repo_test$ git init
Dépôt Git vide initialisé dans /home/nico/temp/local_repo_test/.git/
local_repo_test [master|✔] $ touch initial_situation
local_repo_test [master|…1] $ git add .
local_repo_test [master|●1] $ git commit -a -m "Initial commit"
[master (commit racine) 6d5f562] Initial commit
1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 initial_situation
local_repo_test [master|✔] $ echo "abc" > file_a
local_repo_test [master|…1] $ echo "def" > file_b
local_repo_test [master|…2] $ echo "fgh" > file_c
local_repo_test [master|…3] $ ls
file_a file_b file_c initial_situation
local_repo_test [master|…3] $ git add .
local_repo_test [master|●3] $ git commit -a -m "Files a, b and c creation."
[master aeccaa2] Files a, b and c creation.
3 files changed, 3 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 file_a
create mode 100644 file_b
create mode 100644 file_c
local_repo_test [master|✔] $ echo "ABC" >> file_a
local_repo_test [master|✚ 1] $ echo "DEF" >> file_b
local_repo_test [master|✚ 2] $ echo "GHI" >> file_c
local_repo_test [master|✚ 3] $ git commit -a -m "Files a, b and c all changed (1st time)."
[master 7d50736] Files a, b and c all changed (1st time).
3 files changed, 3 insertions(+)
local_repo_test [master|✔] $ echo "123" >> file_a
local_repo_test [master|✚ 1] $ echo "456" >> file_b
local_repo_test [master|✚ 2] $ echo "789" >> file_c
local_repo_test [master|✚ 3] $ git commit -a -m "Files a, b and c all changed (2d time)."
[master 5c698df] Files a, b and c all changed (2d time).
3 files changed, 3 insertions(+)
local_repo_test [master|✔] $
local_repo_test [master|✔] $ git reset --soft HEAD~1
local_repo_test [master|●3] $ git stash
Saved working directory and index state WIP on master: 7d50736 Files a, b and c all changed (1st time).
HEAD est maintenant à 7d50736 Files a, b and c all changed (1st time).
local_repo_test [master|⚑ 1] $ git reset --soft HEAD~1
local_repo_test [master|●3⚑ 1] $ git stash
Saved working directory and index state WIP on master: aeccaa2 Files a, b and c creation.
HEAD est maintenant à aeccaa2 Files a, b and c creation.
local_repo_test [master|⚑ 2] $ git reset --soft HEAD~1
local_repo_test [master|●3⚑ 2] $ git stash
Saved working directory and index state WIP on master: 6d5f562 Initial commit
HEAD est maintenant à 6d5f562 Initial commit
local_repo_test [master|⚑ 3] $
local_repo_test [master|⚑ 3] $ git checkout -b Branch_A
local_repo_test [Branch_A|⚑ 3] $ git checkout -b Branch_B
local_repo_test [Branch_B|⚑ 3] $ git checkout -b Branch_C
local_repo_test [Branch_C|⚑ 3] $
使用git stash pop
local_repo_test [Branch_C|⚑ 3] $ git checkout Branch_A
local_repo_test [Branch_A|⚑ 3] $ git stash pop
Sur la branche Branch_A
Modifications qui seront validées :
(utilisez "git reset HEAD <fichier>..." pour désindexer)
nouveau fichier: file_a
nouveau fichier: file_b
nouveau fichier: file_c
refs/stash@{0} supprimé (126b2f954385e9c88becc4015f64d95e8647df5e)
local_repo_test [Branch_A|●3⚑ 2] $ git commit file_a -m "File a only commit (1st)"
[Branch_A a096c64] File a only commit (1st)
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
create mode 100644 file_a
local_repo_test [Branch_A|●2⚑ 2] $ git stash
Saved working directory and index state WIP on Branch_A: a096c64 File a only commit (1st)
HEAD est maintenant à a096c64 File a only commit (1st)
local_repo_test [Branch_A|⚑ 3] $
local_repo_test [Branch_A|⚑ 3] $ git checkout Branch_B
local_repo_test [Branch_B|⚑ 3] $ git stash list
stash@{0}: WIP on Branch_A: a096c64 File a only commit (1st)
stash@{1}: WIP on master: aeccaa2 Files a, b and c creation.
stash@{2}: WIP on master: 7d50736 Files a, b and c all changed (1st time).
local_repo_test [Branch_B|⚑ 3] $ git stash pop
Sur la branche Branch_B
Modifications qui seront validées :
(utilisez "git reset HEAD <fichier>..." pour désindexer)
nouveau fichier: file_b
nouveau fichier: file_c
refs/stash@{0} supprimé (1e5fa03fbda1fec0180cbeb66a74a25d8e0ee81f)
local_repo_test [Branch_B|●2⚑ 2] $ git commit file_b -m "File b only commit (1st)"
[Branch_B 2b2868b] File b only commit (1st)
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
create mode 100644 file_b
local_repo_test [Branch_B|●1⚑ 2] $ git stash
Saved working directory and index state WIP on Branch_B: 2b2868b File b only commit (1st)
HEAD est maintenant à 2b2868b File b only commit (1st)
local_repo_test [Branch_B|⚑ 3] $ git checkout Branch_C
Basculement sur la branche 'Branch_C'
local_repo_test [Branch_C|⚑ 3] $ git stash pop
Sur la branche Branch_C
Modifications qui seront validées :
(utilisez "git reset HEAD <fichier>..." pour désindexer)
nouveau fichier: file_c
refs/stash@{0} supprimé (76825e752c810dbce2b8e47611ee20d1d33f8018)
local_repo_test [Branch_C|●1⚑ 2] $ git commit file_c -m "File c only commit (1st)"
[Branch_C ddffa92] File c only commit (1st)
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
create mode 100644 file_c
local_repo_test [Branch_C|⚑ 2] $
local_repo_test [Branch_C|⚑ 2] $ git checkout Branch_A
local_repo_test [Branch_A|⚑ 2] $ git stash pop
CONFLIT (modification/suppression) : file_c supprimé dans Updated upstream et modifié dans Stashed changes. Version Stashed changes de file_c laissée dans l'arbre.
CONFLIT (modification/suppression) : file_b supprimé dans Updated upstream et modifié dans Stashed changes. Version Stashed changes de file_b laissée dans l'arbre.
这会产生冲突,因为file_b和file_c在分支A中不再存在。我们可能只是git rm
local_repo_test [Branch_A|●1✖ 2⚑ 2] $ git rm file_b
file_b: needs merge
rm 'file_b'
local_repo_test [Branch_A|●1✖ 1⚑ 2] $ git rm file_c
file_c: needs merge
rm 'file_c'
local_repo_test [Branch_A|●1⚑ 2] $ git commit file_a -m "File a only commit (2d)"
[Branch_A c6372c4] File a only commit (2d)
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
local_repo_test [Branch_A|⚑ 2] $ ls
file_a initial_situation
local_repo_test [Branch_A|⚑ 2] $ cat file_a
local_repo_test [Branch_A|⚑ 2] $ git checkout Branch_B
local_repo_test [Branch_B|⚑ 2] $ git stash pop
CONFLIT (modification/suppression) : file_c supprimé dans Updated upstream et modifié dans Stashed changes. Version Stashed changes de file_c laissée dans l'arbre.
CONFLIT (modification/suppression) : file_a supprimé dans Updated upstream et modifié dans Stashed changes. Version Stashed changes de file_a laissée dans l'arbre.
local_repo_test [Branch_B|●1✖ 2⚑ 2] $ git rm file_a
file_a: needs merge
rm 'file_a'
local_repo_test [Branch_B|●1✖ 1⚑ 2] $ git rm file_c
file_c: needs merge
rm 'file_c'
local_repo_test [Branch_B|●1⚑ 2] $ git commit file_b -m "File b only commit (2d)"
[Branch_B 51f51c0] File b only commit (2d)
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
local_repo_test [Branch_B|⚑ 2] $ git checkout Branch_C
local_repo_test [Branch_C|⚑ 2] $ git stash pop
CONFLIT (modification/suppression) : file_b supprimé dans Updated upstream et modifié dans Stashed changes. Version Stashed changes de file_b laissée dans l'arbre.
CONFLIT (modification/suppression) : file_a supprimé dans Updated upstream et modifié dans Stashed changes. Version Stashed changes de file_a laissée dans l'arbre.
local_repo_test [Branch_C|●1✖ 2⚑ 2] $ git rm file_a
file_a: needs merge
rm 'file_a'
local_repo_test [Branch_C|●1✖ 1⚑ 2] $ git rm file_b
file_b: needs merge
rm 'file_b'
local_repo_test [Branch_C|●1⚑ 2] $ git commit file_c -m "File c only commit (2d)"
[Branch_C 5ecbbbc] File c only commit (2d)
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
local_repo_test [Branch_C|⚑ 2] $
但最后一个藏匿处仍在这里,与第一个不同(没有冲突,被删除)。因此,我们必须使用git stash drop
local_repo_test [Branch_C|⚑ 2] $ git checkout Branch_A
local_repo_test [Branch_A|⚑ 2] $ git stash drop
refs/stash@{0} supprimé (f9c96fb3a25698b15a56fc91a5e57a2b6b54fa75)
local_repo_test [Branch_A|⚑ 1] $ git stash pop
CONFLIT (modification/suppression) : file_c supprimé dans Updated upstream et modifié dans Stashed changes. Version Stashed changes de file_c laissée dans l'arbre.
CONFLIT (modification/suppression) : file_b supprimé dans Updated upstream et modifié dans Stashed changes. Version Stashed changes de file_b laissée dans l'arbre.
local_repo_test [Branch_A|●1✖ 2⚑ 1] $ git rm file_b
file_b: needs merge
rm 'file_b'
local_repo_test [Branch_A|●1✖ 1⚑ 1] $ git rm file_c
file_c: needs merge
rm 'file_c'
local_repo_test [Branch_A|●1⚑ 1] $ git commit file_a -m "File a only commit (3rd)"
[Branch_A add6af8] File a only commit (3rd)
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
local_repo_test [Branch_A|⚑ 1] $ git checkout Branch_B
local_repo_test [Branch_B|⚑ 1] $ git stash pop
CONFLIT (modification/suppression) : file_c supprimé dans Updated upstream et modifié dans Stashed changes. Version Stashed changes de file_c laissée dans l'arbre.
CONFLIT (modification/suppression) : file_a supprimé dans Updated upstream et modifié dans Stashed changes. Version Stashed changes de file_a laissée dans l'arbre.
local_repo_test [Branch_B|●1✖ 2⚑ 1] $ git rm file_c
file_c: needs merge
rm 'file_c'
local_repo_test [Branch_B|●1✖ 1⚑ 1] $ git rm file_a
file_a: needs merge
rm 'file_a'
local_repo_test [Branch_B|●1⚑ 1] $ git commit file_b -m "File b only commit (3rd)"
[Branch_B 1d834c1] File b only commit (3rd)
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
local_repo_test [Branch_B|⚑ 1] $ git checkout Branch_C
local_repo_test [Branch_C|⚑ 1] $ git stash pop
CONFLIT (modification/suppression) : file_b supprimé dans Updated upstream et modifié dans Stashed changes. Version Stashed changes de file_b laissée dans l'arbre.
CONFLIT (modification/suppression) : file_a supprimé dans Updated upstream et modifié dans Stashed changes. Version Stashed changes de file_a laissée dans l'arbre.
local_repo_test [Branch_C|●1✖ 2⚑ 1] $ git rm file_a
file_a: needs merge
rm 'file_a'
local_repo_test [Branch_C|●1✖ 1⚑ 1] $ git rm file_b
file_b: needs merge
rm 'file_b'
local_repo_test [Branch_C|●1⚑ 1] $ git commit file_c -m "File c only commit (3rd)"
[Branch_C 194a658] File c only commit (3rd)
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
local_repo_test [Branch_C|⚑ 1] $ ls
file_c initial_situation
local_repo_test [Branch_C|⚑ 1] $ cat file_c
local_repo_test [Branch_C|⚑ 1] $ git stash drop
refs/stash@{0} supprimé (d6e3685765e05c0368c269a4ee1e7442a409898a)
local_repo_test [Branch_C|✔] $ git checkout master
Basculement sur la branche 'master'
local_repo_test [master|✔] $
我认为这是你的目标。但这超过10次提交真的是一个很大的麻烦。这一点特别困难,因为在某个地方容易犯错误,弄乱一切并且必须从一开始就重新开始。 (如果你真的想这样做,我会建议定期保存当前正在变换的回购的副本。)
local_repo_test [Branch_C|✔] $ git checkout master
local_repo_test [master|✔] $ git merge Branch_A
Mise à jour 6d5f562..add6af8
file_a | 3 +++
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 file_a
local_repo_test [master|✔] $ git merge Branch_B
Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
file_b | 3 +++
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 file_b
local_repo_test [master|✔] $ git merge Branch_C
Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
file_c | 3 +++
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 file_c
local_repo_test [master|✔] $ git checkout Branch_A
Basculement sur la branche 'Branch_A'
local_repo_test [Branch_A|✔] $
local_repo_test [Branch_A|✔] $ checkout master
Basculement sur la branche 'master'
local_repo_test [master|✔] $ ls
file_a file_b file_c initial_situation
local_repo_test [master|✔] $
好的,如果您在不同的提交中提交了对文件a,b和c的更改,那么您可以使用git cherry-pick
git cherry-pick hash_commit
nico@ometeotl:~/temp$ mkdir local_repo_test
nico@ometeotl:~/temp$ cd local_repo_test/
nico@ometeotl:~/temp/local_repo_test$ git init
local_repo_test [master|✔] $ touch initial_situation
local_repo_test [master|…1] $ git add .
local_repo_test [master|●1] $ git commit -a -m "Initial commit"
[master (commit racine) 38422c2] Initial commit
1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 initial_situation
local_repo_test [master|✔] $ echo "abc" > file_a
local_repo_test [master|…1] $ echo "def" > file_b
local_repo_test [master|…2] $ echo "fgh" > file_c
local_repo_test [master|…3] $ ls
file_a file_b file_c initial_situation
local_repo_test [master|…3] $ git add .
local_repo_test [master|●3] $ git commit file_a -m "File a commit"
[master 0875f3e] File a commit
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
create mode 100644 file_a
local_repo_test [master|●2] $ git commit file_b -m "File b commit"
[master e78be70] File b commit
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
create mode 100644 file_b
local_repo_test [master|●1] $ git commit file_c -m "File c commit"
[master c5a7852] File c commit
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
create mode 100644 file_c
local_repo_test [master|✔] $ git hist
* c5a7852 2016-03-10 | File c commit (HEAD, master) [Nicolas H...]
* e78be70 2016-03-10 | File b commit [Nicolas H...]
* 0875f3e 2016-03-10 | File a commit [Nicolas H...]
* 38422c2 2016-03-10 | Initial commit [Nicolas H...]
现在让我们在创建文件之前回到提交,使用匹配提交的哈希值,取自上面的git hist
local_repo_test [master|✔] $ git checkout 38422c2
Note: checking out '38422c2'.
You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.
If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:
git checkout -b new_branch_name
HEAD est maintenant sur 38422c2... Initial commit
local_repo_test [:38422c2|✔] $ git checkout -b Branch_for_file_a
local_repo_test [Branch_for_file_a|✔] $ ls
local_repo_test [Branch_for_file_a|✔] $ git cherry-pick 0875f3e
[Branch_for_file_a e84a0f9] File a commit
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
create mode 100644 file_a
local_repo_test [Branch_for_file_a|✔] $ ls
file_a initial_situation
相同local_repo_test [Branch_for_file_a|✔] $ git checkout 38422c2
Note: checking out '38422c252779858e89c307e0a06534a3e8930e12'.
You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.
If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:
git checkout -b new_branch_name
HEAD est maintenant sur 38422c2... Initial commit
local_repo_test [:38422c2|✔] $ git checkout -b Branch_for_file_b
local_repo_test [Branch_for_file_b|✔] $ git cherry-pick e78be70
[Branch_for_file_b 92a782f] File b commit
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
create mode 100644 file_b
local_repo_test [Branch_for_file_b|✔] $ git checkout 38422c2
Note: checking out '38422c252779858e89c307e0a06534a3e8930e12'.
You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.
If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:
git checkout -b new_branch_name
HEAD est maintenant sur 38422c2... Initial commit
local_repo_test [:38422c2|✔] $ git checkout -b Branch_for_file_c
local_repo_test [Branch_for_file_c|✔] $ git cherry-pick c5a7852
[Branch_for_file_c 9ea1e18] File c commit
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
create mode 100644 file_c
local_repo_test [Branch_for_file_c|✔] $ ls
file_c initial_situation
local_repo_test [Branch_for_file_c|✔] $