我有一本字典。我想通过它并将值转换为不同的类型。 .map{ }
extension Dictionary {
// Since Dictionary conforms to CollectionType, and its Element typealias is a (key, value) tuple, that means you ought to be able to do something like this:
// result = dict.map { (key, value) in (key, value.uppercaseString) }
// However, that won't actually assign to a Dictionary-typed variable. THE MAP METHOD IS DEFINED TO ALWAYS RETURN AN ARRAY (THE [T]), even for other types like dictionaries. If you write a constructor that'll turn an array of two-tuples into a Dictionary and all will be right with the world:
// Now you can do this:
// result = Dictionary(dict.map { (key, value) in (key, value.uppercaseString) })
init(_ pairs: [Element]) {
for (k, v) in pairs {
self[k] = v
// You may even want to write a Dictionary-specific version of map just to avoid explicitly calling the constructor. Here I've also included an implementation of filter:
// let testarr = ["foo" : 1, "bar" : 2]
// let result = testarr.mapPairs { (key, value) in (key, value * 2) }
// result["bar"]
func mapPairs<OutKey: Hashable, OutValue>(@noescape transform: Element throws -> (OutKey, OutValue)) rethrows -> [OutKey: OutValue] {
return Dictionary<OutKey, OutValue>(try map(transform))
var dict1 = ["a" : 1, "b": 2, "c": 3]
let convertedDict: [String: String] = dict1.mapPairs { // ERROR: cannot convert value of type '_ -> (String, Int)' to expected argument type '(String, Int) -> (String, String)'
element -> (String, Int) in
element[0] = String(element.1)
return element
答案 0 :(得分:2)
如果您想将[String: Int]
的词组更改为[String: String]
let dict1 = ["a" : 1, "b": 2, "c": 3]
var dict2 = [String: String]()
dict1.forEach { dict2[$0.0] = String($0.1) }
print("\(dict2.dynamicType): \(dict2)")
Dictionary<String, String>: ["b": "2", "a": "1", "c": "3"]
答案 1 :(得分:2)
let convertedDict: [String: String] = dict1.mapPairs { (key, value) in
(key, String(value))
答案 2 :(得分:0)
在Swift 5和更高版本中:
let originalDict: [TypeA: TypeB] = /* */
let convertedDict: [TypeA: TypeC] = originalDict.mapValues { /* conversion here */ }
let integerDict: [String: Int] = ["a": 1, "b": 2]
let doubleDict: [String: Double] = integerDict.mapValues(Double.init)
print(doubleDict) // ["a": 1.0, "b": 2.0]
答案 3 :(得分:0)
我不知道这是否有帮助,但是自Swift 4.2起,有一个名为mapValues(_:)
let convertedDict = dict1.mapValues { String($0) }