在Excel VBA中连接单个单元格

时间:2016-03-09 20:32:52

标签: excel vba



Sub Part_Number_Replacer()
With ActiveSheet.Columns("B:B")
.Replace "A100", "FSAEM–16–121–BR–A000", xlPart
.Replace "100", "FSAEM–16–121–BR–0000", xlPart
.Replace "A200", "FSAEM–16–121–EN–A000", xlPart
.Replace "200", "FSAEM–16–121–EN–0000", xlPart
.Replace "A300", "FSAEM–16–121–FR–A000", xlPart
.Replace "300", "FSAEM–16–121–FE–0000", xlPart
.Replace "A400", "FSAEM–16–121–EL–A000", xlPart
.Replace "400", "FSAEM–16–121–EL–0000", xlPart
.Replace "A500", "FSAEM–16–121–MS–A000", xlPart
.Replace "500", "FSAEM–16–121–MS–0000", xlPart
.Replace "A600", "FSAEM–16–121–ST–A000", xlPart
.Replace "600", "FSAEM–16–121–ST–0000", xlPart
.Replace "A700", "FSAEM–16–121–SU–A000", xlPart
.Replace "700", "FSAEM–16–121–SU–0000", xlPart
.Replace "A800", "FSAEM–16–121–WT–A000", xlPart
.Replace "800", "FSAEM–16–121–WT–0000", xlPart
End With
End Sub
告诉你它不优雅。部件号始终位于单元格B4中。我如何在VBA中将-AA连接到最后?我找不到任何关于连接代码的信息。 (现在这个宏可以完成我需要的所有工作但是替换了-AA。)


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


Sub test()

    ReplaceText (ActiveSheet.Columns("B:B").Cells)

End Sub

Function ReplaceText(rng As Range)
    Dim r As Range
    For Each r In rng
        If IsEmpty(r.Value) = False Then
            'r.Value = Replace(r.Value, "as", "bm") & "-AA"
            Select Case r.Value
                Case "A100"
                    r.Value = Replace(r.Value, "A100", "FSAEM–16–121–BR–A000")
                Case "A200"
                    r.Value = Replace(r.Value, "A200", "FSAEM–16–121–EN–A000")
            End Select
            r.Value = r.Value & "-AA"
        End If
End Function

答案 1 :(得分:0)



' load the data from column B
Dim rg_data As Range, data(), template$, r&
Set rg_data = Intersect(ActiveSheet.Columns("B"), ActiveSheet.UsedRange)
data = rg_data.Value2

' define the pattern to match the targeted values
Const MATCH_PATTERN = "(A?[1-8])(00.)"

' define the replacement templates (key = first group, $2 = second group)
Dim tpls As New collection
tpls.Add "FSAEM–16–121–BR–A0$2-AA", "A1"
tpls.Add "FSAEM–16–121–BR–00$2-AA", "1"
tpls.Add "FSAEM–16–121–EN–A0$2-AA", "A2"
tpls.Add "FSAEM–16–121–EN–00$2-AA", "2"
tpls.Add "FSAEM–16–121–FR–A0$2-AA", "A3"
tpls.Add "FSAEM–16–121–FE–00$2-AA", "3"
tpls.Add "FSAEM–16–121–EL–A0$2-AA", "A4"
tpls.Add "FSAEM–16–121–EL–00$2-AA", "4"
tpls.Add "FSAEM–16–121–MS–A0$2-AA", "A5"
tpls.Add "FSAEM–16–121–MS–00$2-AA", "5"
tpls.Add "FSAEM–16–121–ST–A0$2-AA", "A6"
tpls.Add "FSAEM–16–121–ST–00$2-AA", "6"
tpls.Add "FSAEM–16–121–SU–A0$2-AA", "A7"
tpls.Add "FSAEM–16–121–SU–00$2-AA", "7"
tpls.Add "FSAEM–16–121–WT–A0$2-AA", "A8"
tpls.Add "FSAEM–16–121–WT–00$2-AA", "8"

' create the regex object
Dim re As Object, match As Object
Set re = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
re.pattern = MATCH_PATTERN

' replace all the values
For r = 1 To UBound(data)
  Set match = re.Execute(data(r, 1))
  If match.count Then  ' if found
    template = tpls(match(0).SubMatches(0))
    data(r, 1) = re.Replace(data(r, 1), template)
  End If

' copy the data back to the sheet
rg_data.Value2 = data