
时间:2016-03-09 18:27:04

标签: mysql sql


select items.* 
from items 
inner join item_tag on items.id = item_tag.item_id 
where items.deleted_at is null and published = 1 
      and brand_id = 1 
      and item_tag.tag_id in (1,2,3) 
group by items.id 
having COUNT(DISTINCT item_tag.tag_id) = 3 order by id desc


select items.* 
from items 
inner join item_tag on items.id = item_tag.item_id 
where items.deleted_at is null and published = 1 
      and brand_id = 1 
      and item_tag.tag_id not in (4,5,6) 
group by items.id 
having COUNT(DISTINCT item_tag.tag_id) = 0 order by id desc

查询还应该使用“in”和“not in”标签的组合。有人有建议吗?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


你仍然无法将innot in这样的条件结合起来。对于这种情况,我建议像这样的查询:

select      items.* 
from        items
inner join  (
                select   item_id, count(distinct tag_id) as matches
                from     item_tag
                where    tag_id in (1,2,3)
                group by item_id
            ) as tags_in
        on  tags_in.item_id = items.id
left join  (
                select   item_id
                from     item_tag
                where    tag_id in (4,5,6)
                group by item_id
            ) as tags_out
        on  tags_out.item_id = items.id
where       items.deleted_at is null
        and items.published = 1 
        and items.brand_id = 1 
        and tags_in.matches = 3
        and tags_out.id is null
