编辑/删除Kendo Grid工具栏中的按钮,而不是每行

时间:2016-03-09 18:25:11

标签: kendo-ui kendo-asp.net-mvc


  • 能够选择一行。
  • 点击“添加新按钮”旁边网格顶部(或底部)的“编辑”或“删除”按钮。
  • 每行都有复选框或多选,因此我一次删除多行。


谢谢, 布拉德

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


在Kendo grid mvc上执行复选框选择以进行删除 - 下面的代码片段

 @(Html.Kendo().Grid(new List<UI.Models.StudentViewModel>())
     .Columns(columns =>
         //IsSelected is bool property in StudentViewModel to show Checked or Unchecked on data bound
             .ClientTemplate(("<input type='checkbox' #= IsSelected ? checked='checked':'' # class='checkbox' />"))
             .HeaderTemplate("<input type='checkbox' id='masterCheckBoxStudentList' onclick='checkAll(grdStudentList, this)'/>")
         columns.Bound(item => item.ID).Visible(false);
         columns.Bound(item => item.Name).Width(100);
         columns.Bound(item => item.City).Width(100);
     .Sortable(sort => sort.AllowUnsort(false))
     .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
         .Read(read => read.Action("GetStudentList", "StudentController", new { @area = "Student" }))
         .Model(model =>
             model.Id(item => item.ID);
     //.Events(events => events.DataBound(""))

<script type="text/javascript">

    // Declare the global for checked rows
    var checkedIds = {};

    // On Click of check box selection on Kendo grid
    // Handler description- 
    // When user clicks on ChkBx 1st time id will be added to checkedIds like ( id | true)  -> Count will be 1
    // When user clicks on ChkBx (Un Check) id will be updated like ( id | false) -> Count will be 1
    // Same proc
    $(function () {
        // For checkbox selection
        $('#grdStudentList').on('click', '.checkbox', function () {
            // Get the checked values
            var checked = $(this).is(':checked');
            // Get the grid
            var grid = $('#grdStudentList').data().kendoGrid;
            // Add the select row event
            // grid.table.on("click", '.checkboxSelect', selectRow);
            var checked = this.checked,
            row = $(this).closest("tr").addClass("k-state-selected"),
            dataItem = grid.dataItem(row);
            checkedIds[dataItem.id] = checked;
            if (checked) {
                // -select the row
            else {
                //-remove selection

    // Check all Rows - Check box to select all entries in a record at a single click
    function checkAll(name, element) {
        // Creating temporay list  
        checkedStudIds = {};

        // Checking wheather checked or not
        var state = $(element).is(':checked');
        var gridName = '#' + name.id;
        var grid = $(gridName).data().kendoGrid;

        $.each(grid.dataSource.view(), function () {
            checkedStudIds[this['id']] = state;
            // Pushing to "checkedIds"
            checkedIds[this['id']] = state;
            if (this['IsSelected'] != state)
                this.dirty = true;
            this['IsSelected'] = state;

        if (!state) {
            checkedIds = {};

    // On Button click
    // For your case it will be delete button click  
    $("#btnDelete").click(function () {

        var gridData = $('#grdStudentList').data("kendoGrid").dataSource._data;

        // Gets only the ids which is checked at final stage
        var checked = [];

        // Iterate throuh the array of all checked IDs
        // Having only checkedIds like ( id | true)  -> Added to checked[0] with only [ID]
        for (var i in checkedIds) {
            if (checkedIds[i]) {

        **// Do your action here :) **

答案 1 :(得分:0)


var grid = $("#employeeGrid").kendoGrid({
//code omitted for brevity
        field: "EmployeeID", type: "date", width: "65px", title: "Operation",
        "<a title='Detail' style='height:20px !important; width:26px !important; padding-left:5px;' href='./Employee/Details/#=EmployeeID#'><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-search'></span></a>" +

        "<a title='Edit' style='height:20px !important; width:26px !important; padding-left:15px;' href='./Employee/Edit/#=EmployeeID#'><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-edit'></span></a>" +

        "<a title='Delete' style='height:20px !important; width:26px !important; padding-left:15px;' href='./Employee/Delete/#=EmployeeID#'><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-trash'></span></a>"
