VBA初学者 - 在一行中搜索特定值然后对其进行计数

时间:2016-03-09 09:09:35

标签: excel vba excel-vba



我不确定我的代码在哪里出错 - 编译好没有错误。

这是我的脚本: -

Public Sub counts()

    Dim redVarCount As Integer
    Dim amberVarCount As Integer
    Dim greenVarCount As Integer

    'Used to find the first and last occurrence of the type want to count colors for
    mediumStartRow = Range("H:H").Find(what:="Medium", after:=Range("H21")).Row
    mediumEndRow = Range("H:H").Find(what:="Medium", after:=Range("H21"), searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Row
    MsgBox "First and Last Row for Medium Projects: " & mediumStartRow & mediumEndRow

    redVar = "Red Variance" 'This is the value I am looking for in the row - Red Variance
    amberVar = "Amber Variance" 'this is the value I am looking for in the row - Amber Variance
    greenVar = "Green Variance" 'This is the value I am looking for in the row - Green Variance

    redVarCount = 0
    amberVarCount = 0
    greenVarCount = 0

    For Each Row In Range("AS" & mediumStartRow & ":AU" & mediumEndRow)
        If Row.Value2 = redVar > 0 Then
            redVarCount = redVarCount + 1
            If Row.Value2 = amberVar > 0 Then
                amberVarCount = amberVarCount + 1
                If Row.Value2 = greenVar > 0 Then
                    greenVarCount = greenVarCount + 1
                End If
            End If
        End If

    Range("DO22").Value = redVarCount
    Range("DO23").Value = amberVarCount
    Range("DO24").Value = greenVarCount

End Sub




Medium  Green   Red Amber       Counts for medium   
medium  Green   Green   Green       Green   1
medium  Amber   Green   Green       Amber   1
large   Green   Amber   Amber       Red 1
large   Red Green   Green           
small   Amber   Amber   Amber           
small   Green   Green   Green           
small   Green   Green   Amber           
small   Green   Amber   Green   


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

计算放入DO22:DO24的每个变量的出现次数的简单方法是简单地将COUNTIF - 函数放入其中:

Dim sAddress As String
Set sAddress = "AS" & mediumStartRow & ":AU" & mediumEndRow
Range("DO22").Formula = "=COUNTIF(" & sAddress & "," & redVar & ")"
Range("DO23").Formula = "=COUNTIF(" & sAddress & "," & amberVar & ")"
Range("DO24").Formula = "=COUNTIF(" & sAddress & "," & greenVar & ")"


Dim r As Range
Dim redVar As String

Set r = Range("AS" & mediumStartRow & ":AU" & mediumEndRow)
redVar = "Red Variance"
redVarCount = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(r, redVar)



- 编辑 - 在稍微扩展您的问题之后,很明显上述解决方案将无效。我把以下的宏一起攻击,这不是很优雅,但应该完成工作。如果您有任何疑问,请与我联系。

Option Explicit

Public Sub counts()
  Dim redVarCount   As Long
  Dim amberVarCount As Long
  Dim greenVarCount As Long
  Dim i             As Long
  Dim mediumStart   As Range
  Dim mediumEnd     As Range
  Dim r             As Range
  Dim redVar        As String
  Dim amberVar      As String
  Dim greenVar      As String
  Dim amberFound    As Boolean
  Dim greenFound    As Boolean

  'Used to find the first and last occurrence of the type want to count colors for
  Set mediumStart = Range("H:H").Find(What:="Medium", After:=Range("H20"), LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False)
  Set mediumEnd = Range("H:H").Find(What:="Medium", After:=Range("H20"), LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, MatchCase:=False)

  If Not mediumStart Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox "First and Last Row for Medium Projects: " & mediumStart.Row & " & " & mediumEnd.Row

    redVar = "Red Variance" 'This is the value I am looking for in the row - Red Variance
    amberVar = "Amber Variance" 'this is the value I am looking for in the row - Amber Variance
    greenVar = "Green Variance" 'This is the value I am looking for in the row - Green Variance

    redVarCount = 0
    amberVarCount = 0
    greenVarCount = 0
    amberFound = False
    greenFound = False

    For Each r In Range("AS" & mediumStart.Row & ":AS" & mediumEnd.Row)
      For i = 0 To 2
        Debug.Print r.Offset(0, i).Address
        If r.Offset(0, i).Value2 = redVar Then
          redVarCount = redVarCount + 1
          Exit For
        ElseIf r.Offset(0, i).Value2 = amberVar And Not amberFound Then
          amberVarCount = amberVarCount + 1
          amberFound = True
        ElseIf r.Offset(0, i).Value2 = greenVar And Not amberFound And Not greenFound Then
          greenVarCount = greenVarCount + 1
          greenFound = True
        End If
      Next i
    Next r

    Range("DO22").Value = redVarCount
    Range("DO23").Value = amberVarCount
    Range("DO24").Value = greenVarCount
  End If
End Sub

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