sql server累积差异

时间:2016-03-09 07:53:39

标签: sql sql-server common-table-expression



cEmp           dpft
1001        300.000
1002        1000.000


iAdv cEmp           dAmnt
1     1001          100.000
2     1001          50.000
3     1001          200.000
4     1001          10.000
1     1002          200.000
2     1002          500.000
3     1002          100.000
4     1002          100.000


cEmp    dpft                                        dAmnt
1001    300                                          100
1001    200(dpft-aAmnt)                               50
1001     150                                          200
1001      0(should display 0 when goes -ve)           50
1001      0                                         60(50+10)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

这会产生接近您想要的结果集的东西。你可能不得不玩一些比较(交换<<=等)以获得正确的行为(你没有指定)减法时减去{ {1}}正好为0。



(另请注意,我如何提供您的示例数据 - 通过将其写为表变量和declare @hrpft table (cEmp int not null,dpft decimal(19,3) not null) insert into @hrpft(cEmp,dpft) values (1001,300.000 ), (1002,1000.000) declare @hradv table (iAdv int not null, cEmp int not null,dAmnt decimal(19,3) not null) insert into @hradv(iAdv,cEmp,dAmnt) values (1,1001,100.000 ), (2,1001,50.000 ), (3,1001,200.000 ), (4,1001,10.000 ), (1,1002,200.000 ), (2,1002,500.000 ), (3,1002,100.000 ), (4,1002,100.000 ) select p.cEmp, p.dpft - COALESCE((select SUM(dAmnt) from @hradv a2 where a2.cEmp = p.cEmp and a2.iAdv < a.iAdv),0), a.dAmnt, a.iAdv from @hrpft p inner join @hradv a on p.cEmp = a.cEmp where p.dpft - COALESCE((select SUM(dAmnt) from @hradv a2 where a2.cEmp = p.cEmp and a2.iAdv < a.iAdv),0) >= 0 union all select p.cEmp, 0, COALESCE((select SUM(dAmnt) from @hradv a2 where a2.cEmp = p.cEmp and a2.iAdv <= a.iAdv),0) - p.dpft, a.iAdv from @hrpft p inner join @hradv a on p.cEmp = a.cEmp where p.dpft - COALESCE((select SUM(dAmnt) from @hradv a2 where a2.cEmp = p.cEmp and a2.iAdv <= a.iAdv),0) < 0 order by cEmp,iAdv 语句,任何人都可以立即将其复制并粘贴到SSMS中并开始处理数据 - 您可能会考虑使用类似的方式来呈现您的样本数据以用于将来的任何问题。)
