我尝试使用python-twilio库在Python / Flask中构建一个系统,该系统将执行以下操作:
# excluding flask import/setup
from twilio import twiml
from twilio.rest import TwilioRestClient
agents = OrderedDict()
agents['Foo'] = ["+440000000000", "+440000000001"]
agents['Bar'] = ["+440000000002", "+440000000003"]
caller = None
@app.route('/notify', methods=['POST'])
def notify():
"""Log all call status callbacks"""
global caller
called = request.values.get('Called')
call_status = request.values.get('CallStatus')
timestamp = request.values.get('Timestamp') # e.g. Wed, 02 Mar 2016 15:42:30 +0000
call_statuses = {
"initiated": "[%s@%s] INITIATED",
"ringing": "[%s@%s] RINGING",
"in-progress": "[%s@%s] IN-PROGRESS",
"answered": "[%s@%s] ANSWERED",
"failed": "[%s@%s] CALL FAILED",
"no-answer": "[%s@%s] NO ANSWER",
"busy": "[%s@%s] BUSY",
"completed": "[%s@%s] COMPLETED"
called_name = [i for i in agents.items() if called in i][0][0]
print("--%s-- %s" % (timestamp, call_statuses[call_status] % (called_name, called)))
return jsonify({"status": 200})
def new_twilio_client():
_ = TwilioRestClient(app.config['TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID'], app.config['TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN'])
return _
@app.route('/welcome', methods=['GET'])
def welcome():
global caller
response = twiml.Response()
response.say("Welcome message", voice="alice")
caller = request.values.get("Caller")
# log the call/caller here
response.redirect(url_for(".start"), _external=True, method="GET")
return str(response)
@app.route('/start', methods=['GET'])
def start():
response = twiml.Response()
response.say("Trying first agent")
client = new_twilio_client()
for number in agents['Foo']:
client.calls.create(to=number, Timeout=12, ifMachine="Hangup", statusCallbackEvent="initiated ringing answered completed", StatusCallback=url_for(".notify", _external=True), from_=app.config['TWILIO_CALLER_ID'], url=url_for(".whisper", _external=True), method="GET")
return str(response)
@app.route("/whisper", methods=['GET'])
def whisper():
"""Ask agent if they want to accept the call"""
global call_sid
response = twiml.Response()
client = new_twilio_client()
response.say("Press 1 to accept this call")
response.gather(action=url_for(".did_agent_accept", _external=True), numDigits=1, timeout=3)
return str(response)
@app.route("/did_agent_accept", methods=['POST'])
def did_agent_accept():
"""Determine if the agent accepted the call"""
response = twiml.Response()
digit = request.values.get('Digits', None)
if digit == "1":
with response.dial() as dial:
# drop the agent into the queue we made earlier
dial.queue("q", url=url_for(".thanks_for_waiting", _external=True))
return str(response)
@app.route("/thanks_for_waiting", methods=['GET'])
def thanks_for_waiting():
"""Thank the user"""
response = twiml.Response()
response.say("Thanks for waiting. You will now be connected.")
return str(response)
@app.route('/sorry', methods=['GET'])
def sorry():
response = twiml.Response()
response.say("Sorry, trying again")
response.redirect(url=url_for(".start", _external=True), method="GET")
return str(response)
因此,我在这里使用了Twilio的排队功能将调用者放入队列,然后我使用REST API将调用发送到第一个代理的相关号码。当他们拿起并回复聚集动词时,他们就会被放入队列中。