内存位置由三个进程共享。每个进程独立地尝试将共享存储器位置的内容从1增加到某个值,增量为1。进程1的目标为100000,进程2的目标为200000,3的目标为300000.因此,当程序终止时,共享内存变量将总共为600000(即,此值将由三个进程中的任何一个输出最后完成)。我是使用信号量来保护关键部分。 我的问题是,在初始化信号量时,我遇到了每个进程的SETVAL问题。它保持打印“在SETVAL中检测到错误”,即使我将其设置为1.正确的样本输出以及我的代码如下所示:
Sample output
From Process 1: counter = 100000.
From Process 2: counter = 300000.
From Process 3: counter = 600000.
Child with ID 2412 has just exited.
Child with ID 2411 has just exited.
Child with ID 2413 has just exited.
End of Simulation.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/sem.h>
#define SEMKEY ((key_t) 400L)
// number of semaphores being created
#define NSEMS 2
/* change the key number */
#define SHMKEY ((key_t) 7890)
typedef struct
int value;
} shared_mem;
shared_mem *total;
int sem_id, sem_id2;
typedef union{
int val;
struct semid_ds *buf;
ushort *array;
} semunion;
static struct sembuf OP = {0,-1,0};
static struct sembuf OV = {0,1,0};
struct sembuf *P =&OP;
struct sembuf *V =&OV;
int Pop()
int status;
status = semop(sem_id, P,1);
return status;
int Vop()
int status;
status = semop(sem_id, V,1);
return status;
* This function increases the value of shared variable "total"
* by one with target of 100000
void process1 ()
int k = 0;
while (k < 100000)
if (total->value < 600000) {
total->value = total->value + 1;
printf ("From process1 total = %d\n", total->value);
* This function increases the vlaue of shared memory variable "total"
* by one with a target 200000
void process2 ()
int k = 0;
while (k < 200000)
if (total->value < 600000) {
total->value = total->value + 1;
printf ("From process2 total = %d\n", total->value);
* This function increases the vlaue of shared memory variable "total"
* by one with a target 300000
void process3 ()
int k = 0;
while (k < 300000)
if (total->value < 600000) {
total->value = total->value + 1;
printf ("From process3 total = %d\n", total->value);
* MAIN()
int main()
int shmid;
int pid1;
int pid2;
int pid3;
int ID;
int status;
char *shmadd;
shmadd = (char *) 0;
int semnum = 0;
int value, value1;
semunion semctl_arg;
semctl_arg.val =1;
/* Create semaphores */
sem_id = semget(SEMKEY, NSEMS, IPC_CREAT | 0666);
if(sem_id < 0)
printf("creating semaphore");
sem_id2 = semget(SEMKEY, NSEMS, IPC_CREAT | 0666);
if(sem_id2 < 0)
printf("creating semaphore");
/* Initialize semaphore */
value1 =semctl(sem_id, semnum, SETVAL, semctl_arg);
value =semctl(sem_id, semnum, GETVAL, semctl_arg);
if (value < 1)
printf("Eror detected in SETVAL");
/* Create and connect to a shared memory segmentt*/
if ((shmid = shmget (SHMKEY, sizeof(int), IPC_CREAT | 0666)) < 0)
perror ("shmget");
exit (1);
if ((total = (shared_mem *) shmat (shmid, shmadd, 0)) == (shared_mem *) -1)
perror ("shmat");
exit (0);
total->value = 0;
if ((pid1 = fork()) == 0)
if ((pid1 != 0) && (pid2 = fork()) == 0)
if ((pid1 != 0 ) && (pid2 != 0) && (pid3 = fork()) == 0 )
waitpid(pid1, NULL, 0 );
waitpid(pid2, NULL, 0 );
waitpid(pid3, NULL, 0 );
if ((pid1 != 0) && (pid2 != 0) && (pid3 != 0))
printf("Child with ID %d has just exited.\n", pid1);
printf("Child with ID %d has just exited.\n", pid2);
printf("Child with ID %d has just exited.\n", pid3);
if ((shmctl (shmid, IPC_RMID, (struct shmid_ds *) 0)) == -1)
perror ("shmctl");
exit (-1);
printf ("\t\t End of Program\n");
/* De-allocate semaphore */
semctl_arg.val = 0;
status =semctl(sem_id, 0, IPC_RMID, semctl_arg);
if( status < 0)
printf("Error in removing the semaphore.\n");
答案 0 :(得分:2)
一些基础知识 - IPC比流程的持续时间更长,因为已经提到使用ipcs
waitpid(pid1, NULL, 0 );
waitpid(pid2, NULL, 0 );
waitpid(pid3, NULL, 0 );
本节将针对孩子们进行 - 他们可能不应该这样做。
total->value = total->value + 1;