我编写了这段代码来保存对象并将其加载到JSON中。 当我访问属性时,我遇到了这个错误:
我使用python json类来序列化对象并反序列化它。
属性错误:' dict'对象没有属性' weeknumber'
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pickle
import pprint
from datetime import date
import datetime
import decimal
import json
class Jsonable(object):
def __iter__(self):
for attr, value in self.__dict__.iteritems():
if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
iso = value.isoformat()
yield attr, iso
elif isinstance(value, decimal.Decimal):
yield attr, str(value)
elif(hasattr(value, '__iter__')):
if(hasattr(value, 'pop')):
a = []
for subval in value:
if(hasattr(subval, '__iter__')):
yield attr, a
yield attr, dict(value)
yield attr, value
class MyCalendar(Jsonable):
year = 0
weeks = {}
def __init__(self, _year,_weeks):
self.year = _year
self.weeks = _weeks;
class MyWeek(Jsonable):
weeknumber = 0
days = {}
def __init__(self, _week,_days):
self.weeknumber = _week
self.days = _days
class MyDay(Jsonable):
daynumber = 0
courses = {}
def __init__(self, _day,_courses):
self.daynumber = _day
self.courses = _courses
class MyCourse(Jsonable):
id = 0
title = ''
def __init__(self, _id,_title):
self.id = _id
self.title = _title
def init():
_myc = MyCalendar(date.today().year,[]);
for wi in range(0, 52):
_week = MyWeek(wi,[])
for di in range(0, 5):
_day = MyDay(di,[])
for ci in range(0, 4):
_course = MyCourse(ci,"empty")
return _myc
def save(_t):
with open('data2.txt', 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(dict(_t), outfile)
def load():
_t = init();
with open('data2.txt', 'r') as infile:
_t.__dict__ = json.loads(infile.read())
return _t
def setCourse(_t,_weeknumnber,_dayumber,_course,_title):
_t.weeks[_weeknumnber].days[_dayumber].courses[_course].title = _title
return _t
_mycal = init();
_mycal = load()
pprint.pprint( _mycal.weeks[1].weeknumber)
答案 0 :(得分:1)
import json
class MyCalendar:
def __init__(self, _year, _weeks):
self.year = _year
self.weeks = _weeks
def to_JSON(self):
# Dumps the JSON correctly, passing over the __dict__ of the class to assmble it.
return json.dumps(self, default=lambda o: o.__dict__)
class MyWeek:
def __init__(self, _week, _days):
self.weeknumber = _week
self.days = _days
class MyDay:
def __init__(self, _day, _courses):
self.daynumber = _day
self.courses = _courses
class MyCourse:
def __init__(self, _id, _title):
self.id = _id
self.title = _title
def json_calendar(dct):
year = dct['year'] # year, for quick reference.
weeks = {} # our weeks, as a dict.
for week in dct['weeks']: # iterate through the available weeks in the given dct.
days = {} # our days, as a dict.
for day in dct['weeks'][week]['days']: # iterate through the available days in the week.
courses = {} # our courses, as a dict.
for course in dct['weeks'][week]['days'][day]['courses']: # iterate through the available courses in the day.
courseId = int(course) # course id
courseTitle = dct['weeks'][week]['days'][day]['courses'][course]['title'] # course title
courses[courseId] = MyCourse(courseId, courseTitle) # Assemble our courses into the courses dict.
days[int(day)] = MyDay(day, courses) # Assemble our days into the day dict.
weeks[int(week)] = MyWeek(week, days) # Assemble our weeks into the weeks dict.
return MyCalendar(year, weeks) # Assemble and return our calendar.