
时间:2016-03-06 06:33:57

标签: performance memory


Constructor            - Creates a new semester with a given semester name
Is Valid Semester      - Confirms semester name is legal
Add Course             - Adds the given course
Search Course          - Gives index of course in list, or -1 if not found
Remove Course          - Removes the given course if it exists
Withdraw Course        - Withdraws a course from semester
Calc GPA               - Calculates the overall GPA of the semester
To String              - Displays one-line summary of semester
Console menu           - Command-line menu for semester editor
Prompt Course List     - Command prompts for courses to add them from console input
Prompt Remove Course   - Command prompt for adding a course
Prompt Withdraw Course - Command prompt for withdrawing a course
Display Semester       - Display detailed output of semester and its courses' info


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