easy_game = 'Hello welcome to my game \n Lets start off with some easy questions about the Python programming language. \n This is a placeholder that allows to attach a name to something __1__. \n A __2__ uses \"\" or \'\' to allow the program to know what it is. \n When using the + sign you do this __3__ to variables. __4__ are symbols that are used to calculate or assign values to variables. '
easy_answers = [ 'variables',
'operators' ]
medium_game = 'Hello welcome to my game \n Lets start off with some medium questions about the Python programming language. A __1__ operator allows you to divide a numeric value and return the remainder. When there is an error in your program the way you fix it is to \n __2__ your program. \n This is the error you will recieve if you misspell or forget soemthing that \n makes it impossible for the program to compile : __3__ error \n There are different types of these but they all iterate through your program : __4__'
medium_answers = [ 'modulus',
hard_game = 'Hello welcome to my game \n Lets start off with some hard questions about the Python Programing language. \n This type of loop will continue to run as long as it is true: __1__ \n When using a comparison this is used to say not equal to : __2__ \n Creating a __3__ also creates certain methods inside it. When creating a \n function you may have to pass something into the parentheses. \n This is called passing in an : __4__. '
hard_answers = ['while',
def select_difficulty():
print "\n Please choose a difficulty. The three options you can choose from are \n Easy , Medium, Hard"
choice = raw_input().lower()
return choice
def get_q_a(difficulty):
if difficulty=="easy":
return (easy_game, easy_answers)
if difficulty=="medium":
return (medium_game,medium_answers)
if difficulty=="hard":
return (hard_game,hard_answers)
def play_game(questions,answers):
print questions
user_input = raw_input("\n Please answer the questions in Order")
if user_input == answers[0]:
questions = questions.replace('__1__', answers[0])
if user_input != answers[0]:
user_input = raw_input("\n Incorrect Please answer the questions in Order")
print questions
user_input += raw_input("\n Please answer second question")
if user_input == answers[1]:
questions += questions.replace('__2__', answers[1])
if user_input != answers[1]:
user_input = raw_input("\n Incorrect Please answer the questions again")
print questions
user_input += raw_input("\n Please answer the Third question ")
if user_input == answers[2]:
questions += questions.replace('__3__', answers[2])
if user_input != answers[3]:
user_input = raw_input("\n Incorrect Please answer the questions again")
print questions
user_input += raw_input("\n Please answer the fourth question")
if user_input == answers[3]:
questions += questions.replace('__4__', answers[3])
print "congradulations"
if user_input != answers[3]:
user_input = raw_input("\n Incorrect Please answer the question again")
def start_game():
difficulty = select_difficulty()
answers , questions = get_q_a(difficulty)
play_game(answers, questions)