
时间:2016-03-03 07:37:12

标签: javascript angularjs checkbox smart-table

我在网格视图中使用智能表。我使用这个Select All Row指令来填补我的目的。 它在给定的plunker中工作正常。但在我的项目中它有一些问题。 当我第一次单击“全选”复选框时,它会选择所有行。然后我可以通过再次单击全选复选框取消全选。 但在那之后,当我尝试使用该复选框选择所有行时,我无法选择。 什么是问题? 我已经检查了$scope.selected,我包含了选定的行oid。但为什么我无法检查?


'use strict';

define(['app'], function (app) {

    var rowSelectAllDirective = function () {
        return {
              require: '^stTable',
                template: '<input type="checkbox">',
                scope: {
                  all: '=rowSelectAll',
                  selected: '='
                link: function (scope, element, attr) {

                  scope.isAllSelected = false;

                  element.bind('click', function (evt) {

                    scope.$apply(function () {

                      scope.all.forEach(function (val) {

                        val.isSelected = scope.isAllSelected;




                  scope.$watchCollection('selected', function(newVal) {

                    var s = newVal.length;
                    var a = scope.all.length;

                    if ((s == a) && s > 0 && a > 0) {

                      element.find('input').attr('checked', true);
                      scope.isAllSelected = false;

                    } else {

                      element.find('input').attr('checked', false);
                      scope.isAllSelected = true;


    app.directive('rowSelectAll', [rowSelectAllDirective]);



'use strict';

define(['app'], function (app) {

    var rowSelectDirective = function () {
        return {
             require: '^stTable',
                template: '<input type="checkbox" id="chk"><label for="chk">',
                scope: {
                    row: '=rowSelect'
                link: function (scope, element, attr, ctrl) {

                  element.bind('click', function (evt) {

                    scope.$apply(function () {

                        ctrl.select(scope.row, 'multiple');



                  scope.$watch('row.isSelected', function (newValue) {

                    if (newValue === true) {

                        element.find('input').attr('checked', true);

                    } else {

                        element.find('input').attr('checked', false);

    app.directive('rowSelect', [rowSelectDirective]);



$scope.selectAll = function (collection) {

                // if there are no items in the 'selected' array, 
                // push all elements to 'selected'
                if ( $scope.selected.length === 0) {

                  angular.forEach(collection, function(val) {



                // if there are items in the 'selected' array, 
                // add only those that ar not
                } else if ( $scope.selected.length > 0 &&  $scope.selected.length !=  $scope.displayedCollection.length) {

                  angular.forEach(collection, function(val) {

                    var found =  $scope.selected.indexOf(val.oid);

                    if(found == -1)  $scope.selected.push(val.oid);


                // Otherwise, remove all items
                } else  {

                     $scope.selected = [];



              $scope.select = function(oid) {

                    var found = $scope.selected.indexOf(oid);

                    if(found == -1) $scope.selected.push(oid);

                    else $scope.selected.splice(found, 1);



<table st-table="displayedCollection" class="table table-striped smartTableFont"  st-safe-src="rowCollection">
         <th row-select-all="displayedCollection"  selected="selected" ng-click="selectAll(displayedCollection)"></th> 
         <th  st-sort="partnerName" class="text-left">Partner Name</th>

        <tr ng-repeat="row in displayedCollection | limitTo : itemsByPage" >
          <td row-select="row" ng-click="select(row.oid)" ></td>
         <td class="text-left" width="25%">{{row.partnerName}}</td>


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


element.find('input').attr('checked', true);

 element.find('input').prop('checked', true);