为什么arduino ide告诉我我有太多初始化器?

时间:2016-03-02 20:29:54

标签: c++ list raspberry-pi2 arduino-uno

我的arduino程序中有一个列表形式的正弦波查找表。我用计算器来生成它。我用python 2 shell确认了列表的长度, >>>a=[all the variables separated by commas] >>>len(a) 131300是作为'a'中的值的数量返回的值。那么为什么当我运行这段代码时:

#include <Wire.h>//Include the Wire library to talk I2C

//This is the I2C Address of the MCP4725, by default (A0 pulled to GND).
#define MCP4725_ADDR 0x60   

//Sinewave Tables were generated using this calculator:

int lookup = 0;//varaible for navigating through the tables
int sintab2[131300]=
    /* This is where I put my list. */ 

void setup()

  // Set A2 and A3 as Outputs to make them our GND and Vcc,
  //which will power the MCP4725
  pinMode(A2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(A3, OUTPUT);

  digitalWrite(A2, LOW);//Set A2 as GND
  digitalWrite(A3, HIGH);//Set A3 as Vcc
void loop()
  Wire.write(64);                     // cmd to update the DAC
  Wire.write(sintab2[lookup] >> 4);        // the 8 most significant bits...
  Wire.write((sintab2[lookup] & 15) << 4); // the 4 least significant bits...
  lookup = (lookup + 1) & 147454;

为什么我收到此错误,python shell告诉我我的列表长度为131300。

DAC_SINE.cpp:6607:1: error: too many initializers for 'int [16383]'


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