jqGrid set records count

时间:2016-03-02 20:01:08

标签: javascript jqgrid

I have a jqGrid that points at an external API, which I have no control over. This external API has two endpoints:

  • Data Endpoint - Returns the table row data
  • Count Endpoint - Returns pagination counts etc.,

Based on user input the jqGrid filter gets converted into the appropriate query-string to filter the external API's Data and Count Endpoints.

I have jqGrids url being dynamically built based off of user input and targets the Data Endpoint...and during the loadBeforeSend() event it calls the Count Endpoint to get the latest pagination information based on users filter.

I am using the jsonreader capabilities:

jsonReader: {
                    root: 'products',
                    id: 'id',
                    records: function () {

                        return gridTotal;
                    total: function () {
                        // var totalPages = (gridTotal + reqOptions.limit-1) / reqOptions.limit;
                        var totalPages = Math.ceil(gridTotal / reqOptions.limit);
                        console.log('totalPages: ' + totalPages);
                        return totalPages;
                    page: function () {
                        //var totalPages = Math.ceil(gridTotal/20);
                        console.log('currentPage: ' + reqOptions.page);
                        return reqOptions.page;

Sample of the loadBeforeSend method:

loadBeforeSend: function (xhr, settings) {
    settings.url = _newUrl || endpointURL;

    // Lets fetch our data count...this may change as items get published so lets fetch during load
    products.count(accessToken, _filterQuery)
        .success(function (resp) {
            // This is the total number of products that match our current search
            gridTotal = resp.count;
        }).catch(function (err) {

Fetching from the Data Endpoint works really well, the issue is how to call the Count Endpoint and update the pagination data.

Tried the following:

  • Using setGridParam for records, last_page, etc.,
  • Using getGridParam('reccount')
  • Just update the html to look correct (not effective since paging will be off)

Is there a way to

  • Manually fire off the XHR for jqgrid URL...so I can request the Count first and when it returns then go fetch the Data?
  • Rerun the jsonreader functionality once the Count returns and gridTotal is set
  • Use a promise like structure to resolve records count

Updated to show @Oleg solution

    loadBeforeSend: function (xhr, settings) {
        settings.url = _newUrl || endpointURL;

        // Lets fetch our data count...this may change as items get published so lets fetch during load
        products.count(accessToken, _filterQuery)
            .success(function (resp) {
                // This is the total number of products that match our current search
                gridTotal = resp.count;
gridTotal = resp.count;
                            grid.jqGrid('setGridParam', {
                                page: gridOpts.jsonReader.page(),
                                records: gridTotal,
                                lastpage: gridOpts.jsonReader.total()
                            grid[0].updatepager(false, true);
            }).catch(function (err) {

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

我希望我能正确理解你的问题。在这种情况下,您可以先从数据端点加载主数据。然后(在loadComplete内)您可以手动启动 $.ajax请求以从计数端点获取数据并更新内部的分页数据success的{​​{1}}回调。


  1. 根据计数端点返回的数据设置jqGrid的$.ajaxpagerecords参数。
  2. 呼叫lastpage,它将使用上述选项并刷新寻呼机上的信息。
  3. 您可以在the old answer中看到$("#grid")[0].updatepager(false, true);的使用示例。