QRectF zone( QPointF( 0.86459 , 1.8675)
, QPointF( 0.86459+0.1, 1.8675+0.1));
QGraphicsScene gs;
gs.setParent( w.graphicsView()); //it's my QGraphicsView widget
gs.setSceneRect( zone);
w.graphicsView()->setScene( gs);
QGraphicsItem * gpi
= gs.addPixmap( QPixmap::fromImage( QImage( "map.jpg"))); //For test reasons it's an red square (200x200)
//Let's paint a green line from bottom-left to top-right:
gs.addLine( 0.86459 , 1.8675
, 0.86459+0.1, 1.8675+0.1, QPen( Qt::green));
w.graphicsView()->scale( 2000
, 2000); //as we want zone to correspond 200x200 square
w.graphicsView()->rotate( -90); //as geo coords are rotated
w.graphicsView()->setScene( &gs);
/*1*/// gpi->setFlag( QGraphicsItem::ItemIgnoresTransformations);
gpi->setTransform( QTransform::fromScale( 1/2000
, 1/2000)); //makes QPixmap size 0.1x0.1
gpi->setTransform( QTransform::fromTranslate( 0.86459
, 1.8675), true);
麻烦的是我显示的是绿线,而不是地图红色方块。如果相对于接下来的两行取消注释line / 1 /,我也只得到绿线。