
时间:2016-03-02 11:52:57

标签: sql oracle


C1 | C2
a1   b1 
a1   b2 
a1   b3
a2   b1 
a2   b2
a2   b3
a3   b1
a3   b2
a3   b3


C1 | C2
a1   b1 
a2   b2
a3   b3


C1 | C2
a1   b1 
a2   b1
a3   b1

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


<script type="text/javascript"


答案 1 :(得分:0)



select t.*
from (select t.*, 
             row_number() over (partition by c1 order by dbms_random.random) as seqnum
      from t
     ) t
where seqnum = 1;



select t1.c1, t2.c2
from (select least(count(distinct c1), count(distinct c2)) as cd from t) cross join
     (select distinct c1, rownum as rn from t) t1 join
     (select distinct c2, rownum as rn from t) t2
     on mod(t1.rn, cd) = mod(t1.rn, cd);


答案 2 :(得分:0)


with selector as
( select rownum-1 as setnum
  from dual
  connect by level <= power(2,(select count(*) from my_table))
), /* This generates the integers 0..(2^n)-1 where n is number of rows in table */
data as
( select c1, c2, row_number() over (order by c1, c2) as rn
  from my_table
), /* This assigns each row in the table a row number 1..n */
cj as
( select setnum, c1, c2
  from selector cross join data
  where bitand(setnum, power(2,rn-1)) = power(2,rn-1)
 ), /* This generates all the possible sets of 1-n rows. 
       The rows in the set are determined by the bits of the setnum value
       e.g. setnum 5 (101 in binary) contains rows 1 and 4 */
set_sizes as
 ( select setnum, count(*) cnt from cj
   group by setnum
   having count(distinct c1) = (select count(distinct c1) from my_table)
   and count(distinct c2) = (select count(distinct c2) from my_table)
), /* This determines the number of rows in each set AND excludes sets that
      don't include all the c1 and c2 values */
one_set as
( select min(setnum) minsetnum from set_sizes
  where cnt = (select min(cnt) from set_sizes)
) /* This selects one of the sets that has the smallest number of rows */
select c1, c2 from cj
where setnum = (select minsetnum from one_set)
order by 1


  1. 从表格
  2. 生成所有可能的行集
  3. 过滤掉那些不包含所有c1值和所有c2值的文件
  4. 从这些
  5. 中找到最小的集合
  6. 任意选择其中一个最小的集并返回其数据
  7. 如果有人可以为我的with子句子查询建议更好(更有意义)的名称,请执行!