No. of nodes created greater than the no. of rows actually present in neo4j

时间:2016-03-02 10:57:55

标签: neo4j

While creating nodes, I am executing the below query:

load csv with headers from "file:C:/Users/abc/Documents/Neo4j/airports.csv" as airports 
create (a1:Airport {label: airports.label, city:, state: airports.state});

My csv file is as follows:

label   city       state
DTW   Detroit     Michigan
ATL   Atlanta     Georgia
PIT   Pittsburgh  Pennsylvannia
BOS   Boston      Massachussetts

When executed, it shows :

"Added 51 labels, created 51 nodes"
instead of 
"Added 4 labels, created 4 nodes, set 12 properties"

Anyone can tell me why and how it is creating 51 labels instead of 4 labels?

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