我正在尝试将TeamCity配置为使用VSTest.console.exe为Visual Studio 2015运行我的单元测试。
<!-- Framework35 | [Framework40] | Framework45 -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Configurations that affect the Test Framework -->
<!-- Path relative to solution directory -->
<!-- [x86] | x64
- You can also change it from menu Test, Test Settings, Default Processor Architecture -->
<!-- Framework35 | [Framework40] | Framework45 -->
<!-- Path to Test Adapters -->
[19:17:33][Step 2/2] VSTest executable: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TestWindow\VSTest.console.exe
[19:17:33][Step 2/2] Command line params: [[Y:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\f1cf88fd0bf6555\Javelin.Identity.Tests\bin\x64\Integration\Javelin.Identity.Tests.dll] [/Settings:test.runsettings] [/Logger:trx] [/Platform:x86]]
[19:17:33][Step 2/2] Starting: C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\plugins\dotnetPlugin\bin\JetBrains.BuildServer.NUnitLauncher.exe #TeamCityImplicit
[19:17:33][Step 2/2] in directory: Y:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\f1cf88fd0bf6555
[19:17:33][Step 2/2] JetBrains dotCover Console Runner 10.0.2. Build 104.0.20151218.125453
[19:17:33][Step 2/2] Copyright (c) 2009-2016 JetBrains s.r.o. All rights reserved.
[19:17:34][Step 2/2] [JetBrains dotCover] Coverage session started [3/1/2016 7:17:34 PM]
[19:17:38][Step 2/2] Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version 14.0.24720.0
[19:17:38][Step 2/2] Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
[19:17:38][Step 2/2]
[19:17:39][Step 2/2] Starting test execution, please wait...
[19:17:39][Step 2/2] Test run will use DLL(s) built for framework Framework45 and platform X86. Following DLL(s) will not be part of run:
[19:17:39][Step 2/2] Javelin.Identity.Tests.dll is built for Framework None and Platform X64.
[19:17:39][Step 2/2] Go to http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=236877&clcid=0x409 for more details on managing these settings.
[19:17:39][Step 2/2] Error: None of the provided test containers match the Platform Architecture and .Net Framework settings for the test run. Platform: X86 .Net Framework: Framework45. Go to http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=330428 for more details on managing these settings.
[19:17:39][Step 2/2]
[步骤2/2]错误:加载设置时出错。 错误:设置“RunConfiguration”无效。无效的值'Framework46' 为'TargetFrameworkVersion'指定..
答案 0 :(得分:1)
您可以将 .RunSettings 文件中 TargetFrameworkVersion 的值设置为以下内容:
.NETFramework,Version = v4.6.1
我知道这是误导性的,因为他们在here中的文件 我通过查看 vstest.console.exe
的帮助命令发现了这个vstest.console.exe /?
--Framework|/Framework:<Framework Version>
Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution.
Valid values are ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc.
Other supported values are Framework35, Framework40, Framework45 and FrameworkCore10.
然后我尝试使用这些值中的任何一个并且它有效。就我而言,它是.NET 4.5.2
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Configurations that affect the Test Framework -->
<!-- Path relative to solution directory -->
<!-- [x86] | x64
- You can also change it from menu Test, Test Settings, Default Processor Architecture -->
<!-- Framework35 | [Framework40] | Framework45 -->
<!-- Configurations for data collectors -->
<!-- Adapter Specific sections -->
<!-- MSTest adapter -->
<Directory path=".\bin" includeSubDirectories="false"/>
答案 1 :(得分:0)
这是vstest.console中的已确认known issue。您可以尝试在问题中提出的解决方法(通过runsettings文件指定框架,并将&#39; Framework&#39;参数值保留为默认值)