IBM Watson文本到语音卷曲示例不起作用

时间:2016-03-01 17:31:26

标签: ibm-cloud text-to-speech ibm-watson


let main argv = 

    let largeList = 
        printfn "Creating large list"
            for i in 1 .. 100000000 do
                yield i

    // causes StackOverflow in Debug
    // causes StackOverflow in Release
    //   Negative confirmation
    //   A supposed tail call that DOES cause a stack overflow in both debug and release mode
    //   options: f x y
    let sum1 l = 
        printfn "test 01: "
        let rec sum1Inner l acc =
            match l with
            | h::t -> 
                let acc = acc + h
                1 + sum1Inner t acc
            | [] -> acc
        sum1Inner l 0

    // No StackOverflow in Debug
    // No StackOverflow in Release
    //   Positive confirmation
    //   A tail call that DOES NOT cause a stack overflow in both debug and release mode
    //   options: f x y
    let sum2 l =
        printfn "test 02: "
        let rec sum2Inner l acc =
            match l with
            | h::t -> 
                let acc = acc + h
                sum2Inner t acc
            | [] -> acc
        sum2Inner l 0

    // No StackOverflow in Debug
    // No StackOverflow in Release
    //   A test case
    //   options: f x y and no |>
    let sum3 l =
        printfn "test 03: "
        let rec sum3Inner l acc =
            match l with
            | h::t -> 
                sum3Inner t (acc + h)
            | [] -> acc
        sum3Inner l 0

    // causes StackOverflow in Debug
    // No StackOverflow in Release
    //   A test case
    //   options: f x y and |>
    let sum4 l =
        printfn "test 04: "
        let rec sum4Inner l acc =
            match l with
            | h::t -> 
                let acc = acc + h
                acc |> sum4Inner t
            | [] -> acc
        sum4Inner l 0

    // causes StackOverflow in Debug
    // causes StackOverflow in Release
    //   Negative confirmation
    //   A supposed tail call that DOES cause a stack overflow in both debug and release mode
    //   options: f x
    let sum5 () =
        printfn "test 05: "
        let rec sum5Inner x =
            match x with 
            | 10000000 -> x
            | _ -> 
                let acc = x + 1
                1 + sum5Inner acc
        sum5Inner 0

    // No StackOverflow in Debug
    // No StackOverflow in Release
    //   Positive confirmation
    //   A tail call that DOES NOT cause a stack overflow in both debug and release mode
    //   options: f x
    let sum6 () =
        printfn "test 06: "
        let rec sum6Inner x =
            match x with 
            | 10000000 -> x
            | _ -> 
                let acc = x + 1
                sum6Inner acc
        sum6Inner 0

    // No StackOverflow in Debug
    // No StackOverflow in Release
    //  A test case
    //  options: f x and no |>
    let sum7 l =
        printfn "test 07: "
        let rec sum7Inner x =
            match x with 
            | 10000000 -> x
            | _ -> sum7Inner (x + 1)
        sum7Inner 0

    // No StackOverflow in Debug
    // No StackOverflow in Release
    //   A test case
    //   options: f x and |>
    let sum8 () =
        printfn "test 07: "
        let rec sumInner8 x =
            match x with
            | 10000000 -> x
            | _ -> 
                let acc = x + 1
                acc |> sumInner8 
        sumInner8 0

    // causes StackOverflow in Debug
    // causes StackOverflow in Release
    //   Negative confirmation"
    //   A supposed tail call that DOES cause a stack overflow in both debug and release mode"
    //   options: f x y"
    let sum9 () = 
        printfn "test 09: "
        let rec sum9Inner x y =
            match y with
            | 10000000 -> y
            | _ -> 
                let acc = x + y
                1 + sum9Inner x acc
        sum9Inner 1 0   

    // No StackOverflow in Debug
    // No StackOverflow in Release
    //   Positive confirmation
    //   A tail call that DOES NOT cause a stack overflow in both debug and release mode
    //   options: f x y
    let sum10 () =
        printfn "test 10: "
        let rec sum10Inner x y =
            match y with
            | 10000000 -> y
            | _ -> 
                let acc = x + y
                sum10Inner x acc
        sum10Inner 1 0

    // No StackOverflow in Debug
    // No StackOverflow in Release
    //   A test case
    //   options: f x y and no |>
    let sum11 () =
        printfn "test 11: "
        let rec sum11Inner x y =
            match y with
            | 10000000 -> y
            | _ -> 
                sum11Inner x (x + y) 
        sum11Inner 1 0

    // causes StackOverflow in Debug
    // No StackOverflow in Release
    //   A test case
    //   options: f x y and |>
    let sum12 () =
        printfn "test 12: "
        let rec sum12Inner x y =
            match y with
            | 10000000 -> y
            | _ -> 
                let acc = x + y
                acc |> sum12Inner x
        sum12Inner 1 0

    // causes StackOverflow in Debug
    // No StackOverflow in Release
    //   A test case"
    //   options: f x y and |>"
    let sum12 () =
        printfn "test 12: "
        let rec sum12Inner x y =
            match y with
            | 10000000 -> y
            | _ -> 
                let acc = x + y
                acc |> sum12Inner x
        sum12Inner 1 0

    // causes StackOverflow in Debug
    // causes StackOverflow in Release
    //   Negative confirmation"
    //   A supposed tail call that DOES cause a stack overflow in both debug and release mode"
    //   options: f x y"
    let sum13 () = 
        printfn "test 13: "
        let rec sum13Inner x z y =
            match y with
            | 10000000 -> y
            | _ -> 
                let acc = x + y
                1 + sum13Inner x z acc 
        sum13Inner 1 "z" 0

    // No StackOverflow in Debug
    // No StackOverflow in Release
    //   Positive confirmation"
    //   A tail call that DOES NOT cause a stack overflow in both debug and release mode"
    //   options: f x y"
    let sum14 () =
        printfn "test 14: "
        let rec sum14Inner x z y =
            match y with
            | 10000000 -> y
            | _ -> 
                let acc = x + y
                sum14Inner x z acc
        sum14Inner 1 "z" 0

    // No StackOverflow in Debug
    // No StackOverflow in Release
    //   A test case"
    //   options: f x y and no |>"
    let sum15 () =
        printfn "test 15: "
        let rec sum15Inner x z y =
            match y with
            | 10000000 -> y
            | _ -> 
                sum15Inner x z (x + y) 
        sum15Inner 1 "z" 0

    // causes StackOverflow in Debug
    // No StackOverflow in Release
    //   A test case"
    //   options: f x y and |>"
    let sum16 () =
        printfn "test 16: "
        let rec sum16Inner x z y =
            match y with
            | 10000000 -> y
            | _ -> 
                let acc = x + y
                acc |> sum16Inner x z
        sum16Inner 1 "z" 0

    let result1 = sum1 largeList
    printfn "result1: %A" result1

    let result2 = sum2 largeList
    printfn "result2: %A" result2

    let result3 = sum3 largeList
    printfn "result3: %A" result3

    let result4 = sum4 largeList
    printfn "result4: %A" result4

    let result5 = sum5 ()
    printfn "result5: %A" result5

    let result6 = sum6 ()
    printfn "result6: %A" result6

    let result7 = sum7 ()
    printfn "result7: %A" result7

    let result8 = sum8 ()
    printfn "result8: %A" result8

    let result9 = sum9 ()
    printfn "result9: %A" result9

    let result10 = sum10 ()
    printfn "result10: %A" result10

    let result11 = sum11 ()
    printfn "result11: %A" result11

    let result12 = sum12 ()
    printfn "result12: %A" result12

    let result13 = sum13 ()
    printfn "result13: %A" result13

    let result14 = sum14 ()
    printfn "result14: %A" result14

    let result15 = sum15 ()
    printfn "result15: %A" result15

    let result16 = sum16 ()
    printfn "result16: %A" result16

    printf "Press any key to exit: "
    System.Console.ReadKey() |> ignore
    printfn ""

    0 // return an integer exit code


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

--data '{"text":"hellow world","voice":"en-US_AllisonVoice"}'


--data "{\"text\":\"hello world\", \"voice\":\"en-US_AllisonVoice\"}"



答案 1 :(得分:1)


/usr/bin/curl -k -u 'USERNAME':'PASSWORD' -X POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'Accept: audio/wav' \
  --data '{"text":"hellow world"}' \

披露:我是IBM Watson的传播者。

答案 2 :(得分:0)

我没有使用cURL脚本编写建议解决了这个问题。 但是直接转到网址:


  • "word_alternatives_threshold": null,
  • "keywords_threshold": null,
