Monogame - 创建CheckBox对象

时间:2016-03-01 16:49:57

标签: c# checkbox monogame

我一直在为我的游戏制作GUI。到目前为止,我已经使用代码来创建看起来像"形式" (不要与winforms混淆,我使用monogame)。我也创建了按钮。但是现在我在创建复选框时遇到了困难。所以这是我的CheckBoxGUI课程:

// take a look into the recent edits for this post if you need to see my old code.


// take a look into the recent edits for this post if you need to see my old code.


// take a look into the recent edits for this post if you need to see my old code.


// take a look into the recent edits for this post if you need to see my old code.


// take a look into the recent edits for this post if you need to see my old code.


// take a look into the recent edits for this post if you need to see my old code.

也许我错过了一些简单的东西,或者我不明白如何进一步改进我已经拥有的代码以使其支持checkBoxes的不同功能......但是,当我测试这个时,如果我打开窗户并检查窗口关闭窗口并再次打开。 IsOpen类的WindowGUI成员通过类中的if语句控制窗口是否可见。 Draw()方法。




public class CheckBoxGUI : GUIElement
    Texture2D checkBoxTexEmpty, checkBoxTexSelected;
    public Rectangle CheckBoxTxtRect { get; set; }
    public Rectangle CheckBoxMiddleRect { get; set; }

    public bool IsChecked { get; set; }
    public event Action<CheckBoxGUI> CheckedChanged;

    public CheckBoxGUI(Rectangle rectangle, string text, bool isDisabled, ContentManager content)
    : base(rectangle, text, isDisabled, content)
        CheckBoxTxtRect = new Rectangle((Bounds.X + 19), (Bounds.Y - 3), ((int)FontName.MeasureString(Text).X), ((int)FontName.MeasureString(Text).Y));
        CheckBoxMiddleRect = new Rectangle((Bounds.X + 16), Bounds.Y, 4, 16);
        if (checkBoxTexEmpty == null) checkBoxTexEmpty = content.Load<Texture2D>(Game1.CheckBoxPath + @"0") as Texture2D;
        if (checkBoxTexSelected == null) checkBoxTexSelected = content.Load<Texture2D>(Game1.CheckBoxPath + @"1") as Texture2D;

    public void OnCheckedChanged()
        var h = CheckedChanged;
        if (h != null)

    public override void UnloadContent()
        if (checkBoxTexEmpty != null) checkBoxTexEmpty = null;
        if (checkBoxTexSelected != null) checkBoxTexSelected = null;

    public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
        if (!Game1.IsSoundDisabled)
            if ((IsHovered) && (!IsDisabled))
                if (InputManager.IsLeftClicked())
                    IsHovered = false;
        if (IsClicked) OnCheckedChanged();

    public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
        if ((FontName != null) && ((Text != string.Empty) && (Text != null)))
            if (IsChecked) spriteBatch.Draw(checkBoxTexSelected, Bounds, Color.White);
            else if (IsDisabled) spriteBatch.Draw(checkBoxTexEmpty, Bounds, Color.Gray);
            else spriteBatch.Draw(checkBoxTexEmpty, Bounds, Color.Gray);
            TextOutliner.DrawBorderedText(spriteBatch, FontName, Text, CheckBoxTxtRect.X, CheckBoxTxtRect.Y, ForeColor);


public abstract class GUIElement
    protected SpriteFont FontName { get; set; }
    protected string Text { get; set; }
    protected SoundEffect ClickSFX { get; set; }
    public Rectangle Bounds { get; set; }
    public Color ForeColor { get; set; }
    public Color BackColor { get; set; }
    public bool IsDisabled { get; set; }
    public bool IsHovered { get; set; }
    public bool IsClicked { get; set; }

    public GUIElement(Rectangle newBounds, string newText, bool isDisabled, ContentManager content)
        Bounds = newBounds;
        Text = newText;
        IsDisabled = isDisabled;
        FontName = Game1.GameFontSmall;
        ForeColor = Color.White;
        BackColor = Color.White;
        ClickSFX = content.Load<SoundEffect>(Game1.BGSoundPath + @"1") as SoundEffect;

    public virtual void UnloadContent()
        if (Bounds != Rectangle.Empty) Bounds = Rectangle.Empty;
        if (FontName != null) FontName = null;
        if (Text != string.Empty) Text = string.Empty;
        if (ClickSFX != null) ClickSFX = null;

    public virtual void Update(GameTime gameTime)
        if (!IsDisabled)
            if (Bounds.Contains(InputManager.MouseRect))
                if (InputManager.IsLeftClicked()) IsClicked = true;
                ForeColor = Color.Yellow;
                IsHovered = true;
            else if (!Bounds.Contains(InputManager.MouseRect))
                IsHovered = false;
                ForeColor = Color.White;
        else ForeColor = Color.Gray;


// Fields
readonly List<GUIElement> elements = new List<GUIElement>();
CheckBoxGUI chk;
bool check = true;
string text;

// LoadContent()
chk = new CheckBoxGUI(new Rectangle(800, 200, 16, 16), "Hide FPS", false, content);
chk.CheckedChanged += cb => check = cb.IsChecked;

// UnloadContent()
foreach (GUIElement element in elements) element.UnloadContent();

// Update()
for (int i = 0; i < elements.Count; i++) elements[i].Update(gameTime);
foreach (CheckBoxGUI chk in elements) chk.Update(gameTime);

// Draw()
if (chk.IsChecked) check = true;
else check = false;
if (check) text = "True";
else text = "False";
spriteBatch.DrawString(Game1.GameFontLarge, text, new Vector2(800, 400), Color.White);
if (optionsWindow.IsOpen) chk.Draw(spriteBatch);

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



public event EventHandler Click;


public void Update(GameTime gameTime)
    if (!Game1.IsSoundDisabled)
        if ((IsHovered) && (!IsDisabled))
            if (InputManager.Instance.IsLeftClicked())
                IsHovered = false;

                if(Click != null)
                    Click(this, EventArgs.Empty);


checkBox.Click += CheckBox_Click;


private void CheckBox_Click(object sender, EventArgs args)
    // do something when the check box is clicked.


var eventHandler = Click;

if(eventHandler != null)
    eventHandler(this, EventArgs.Empty);


关于你的代码还有很多其他的东西可以使用一些改进,但我认为这超出了这个问题的范围。如果您想获得有关代码的更多反馈,建议您将其发布到code review

答案 1 :(得分:1)



public class CheckBoxGUI : GUIElement
    public bool IsChecked { get; set; }

    // instead of using the event, you can use a single delegate
    readonly Action<CheckBoxGUI> OnCheckedChanged;

    public CheckBoxGUI(Action<CheckBoxGUI> onCheckedChanged, Rectangle rectangle)
        : base(rectangle) // we need to pass the rectangle to the base class
        OnCheckedChanged = onCheckedChanged;

    public override bool Update(GameTime gameTime, InputState inputState)
        if (WasClicked(inputState)) // imaginary method
            // if we are here, it means we need to handle the inputState
            IsChecked = !IsChecked;

            // this method will be invoked 

            return true;
            return false;

    ... drawing methods, load/unload content


var checkbox = new CheckBoxGUI(
    // when state is changed, `win.IsOpen` will be set to a new value
    cb => win.IsOpen = cb.IsChecked, 
    new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100)


// if you had a 'CheckedChanged' event, instantiation would look something like this
var checkbox = new CheckBoxGUI(...);
checkbox.CheckedChanged += cb => win.IsOpen = cb.IsChecked;




public class GUIElement
    public Rectangle Bounds { get; set; }

    public GUIElement(Rectangle rect)
        Bounds = rect;

    public virtual bool Update(GameTime game, InputState inputState)
        // if another element already handled this click,
        // no need to bother
        if (inputState.Handled)
            return false;           

        // you should actually check if mouse was both clicked and released 
        // within these bounds, but this is just a demo:
        if (!inputState.Pressed)
            return false;

        // within bounds?
        if (!this.Bounds.Contains(inputState.Position))
            return false;

        // mark as handled: we don't want this event to 
        // propagate further
        inputState.Handled = true;
        return true;

    public virtual void Draw(GameTime gameTime, SpriteBatch sb) { }



public class GUIElement
    public Rectangle Bounds { get; set; }
    public SpriteFont Font { get; set; }
    public Color ForeColor { get; set; }
    public Color BackColor { get; set; }

    // make sure you specify all defaults inside the constructor 
    // (except for Bounds, of course)


public class InputState
    // true if this event has already been handled
    public bool Handled;

    // true if mouse is being held down 
    public bool Pressed;

    // mouse position
    public Point Position;



// this is the class from above
public class CheckBoxGUI : GUIElement
    public bool IsChecked { get; set; }

    readonly Action<CheckBoxGUI> OnCheckedChanged;

    public CheckBoxGUI(Action<CheckBoxGUI> onCheckedChanged, Rectangle rectangle)
        : base(rectangle) // we need to pass the rectangle to the base class
        OnCheckedChanged = onCheckedChanged;

    // Note that this method returns bool, unlike 'void Update'.
    // Also, intersections should be handled here, not outside.
    public override bool Update(GameTime gameTime, InputState inputState)
        var handled = base.Update(gameTime, inputState);
        if (!handled)
            return false;

        // if we are here, it means we need to handle the inputState
        IsChecked = !IsChecked;
        return true;

    ... drawing methods, load/unload content



public void Update(GameTime gameTime)
    var mouse = Mouse.GetState();
    var inputState = new InputState()
        Pressed = mouse.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed,
        Position = mouse.Position

    foreach (var element in this.Elements)
        element.Update(gameTime, inputState);



// this is the class from above
public class CheckBoxGUI : GUIElement
    public bool IsChecked { get; set; }
    public event Action<CheckBoxGUI> CheckedChanged;

    protected virtual void OnCheckedChanged()
        var h = CheckedChanged;
        if (h != null)

    public CheckBoxGUI(Rectangle rectangle)
        : base(rectangle) // we need to pass the rectangle to the base class
    { }

    // the rest of the class remains the same


var cb = new CheckBoxGUI(new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100));
cb.CheckedChanged += cb => win.IsOpen = cb.IsChecked;



  • Game.Update

    • 致电TitleScreen.Update
  • TitleScreen.Update

    • gui元素(不仅仅是复选框)调用element.Update
  • GuiElement.Update

    • 检查是否单击了此元素(由派生类重用)
  • CheckBoxGUI.Update

    • 调用GuiElement.Update(base.Update)来检查是否单击了
    • 如果单击,则更改其状态,可视属性并触发事件

如果你做得对,你应该在你的屏幕类中有一个 gui元素的列表,而不是实际的实例。屏幕不应该知道或关心要绘制的元素的确切类型:

readonly List<GuiElement> elements = new LIst<GuiElement>();
var chk = new CheckBoxGUI(new Rectangle(800, 200, 16, 16), "Window", false, content);
chk.CheckedChanged += cb => win.IsOpen = cb.IsChecked;

// from now on, your checkbox is just a "gui element" which knows how to
// update itself and draw itself

// your screen update method
foreach (var e in elements) 

// your screen draw method
foreach (var e in elements) 