
时间:2016-02-29 22:41:36

标签: javascript jquery if-statement increment tic-tac-toe

我正在写一个TicTacToe游戏,我在添加Win Count以跟踪X玩家赢了多少游戏以及O玩家赢了多少游戏时遇到了麻烦。现在,我有一个带有if语句的JS代码。如果alert = Winner是X,那么xWinCount ++,但我不确定这是正确的方法。感谢任何和所有的帮助,我真的很感激。


<div class="container">
  <div class="col-md-12 header">
    <h1 class="banner">Previous Games</h1>

    <h1 class="banner">Rules</h1>

    <h1 class="banner-right">List of Wins</h1>
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-4 nine hidden-xs red"></div>
    <!--previous game-->

    <div class="col-md-4 hidden-xs green-bg">
      <!--rules + who's turn is it -->
      <p>Classic Tic-Tac-Toe game.</br>
        </br> Match three X's or three O's in a line vertically, horizontally or diagonally to win!</p>
    <div class="col-md-4 hidden-xs blue">
      <!-- List of wins -->
      <div class="win-chart">
        <p class="win-chart">X has won:</p>
        <p id="xWinCount" class="xWinCount win-chart">0</p>
        <p class="win-chart">time(s)</p>
        <p class="win-chart">O has won:</p>
        <p id="oWinCount" class="xWinCount win-chart">0</p>
        <p class="win-chart">time(s)</p>
    <div class="row">
      <div class="col-md-4 nine hidden-xs red"></div>
      <div class="col-md-4 nine" id="board">
        <div class="col-md-4 innerNine empty borderBottom col-xs-4"></div>
        <div class="col-md-4 innerNine empty borderBottom borderLeftAndRight col-xs-4"></div>
        <div class="col-md-4 innerNine empty borderBottom col-xs-4"></div>
        <div class="col-md-4 innerNine empty col-xs-4"></div>
        <div class="col-md-4 innerNine empty borderLeftAndRight col-xs-4"></div>
        <div class="col-md-4 innerNine empty col-xs-4"></div>
        <div class="col-md-4 innerNine empty borderTop col-xs-4"></div>
        <div class="col-md-4 innerNine empty borderTop borderLeftAndRight col-xs-4"></div>
        <div class="col-md-4 innerNine empty borderTop col-xs-4"></div>
      <div class="col-md-4 hidden-xs"></div>
      <!--blue not needed -->
    <div class="row">
      <div class="col-md-4 nine red"></div>
      <div class="col-md-4">
        <button id="newGame" class="btn btn-success btn-lg" type="button"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-repeat"></span>Restart Game </button>
        <a href=" " button id="newGame" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" type="button"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-repeat"></span>Reset Scores</button></a>
      <div class="col-md-4"> </div>
      <!--blue not needed -->


$(document).ready(function() {

  var circleOrEx = "o"; // who gets first turn, right now circle goes first
  var isGameInProgress = true; // when the document loads, the tictactoe board is an active game
  var winningCombos = { // the game board is a series of nine square boxes, but since this is an array, the values for earch box is 0 to 8.  these values outline the winning combinations starting from each possible square on the board.  the board is writen out like this:

      // 0 | 1 | 2  
      // ---------  
      // 3 | 4 | 5
      // ---------
      // 6 | 7 | 8

    0: [ //0 is key (winning combinations starting from the top left square)
      [1, 2], //if the user enters in three of the same values across the top three squares, they win
      [3, 6], //if the user enters in three of the same values down the far left column, they win
      [4, 8]  //if the user enters in three of the same values  diagonally from the top left to bottom                       right, they win
    1: [ //(winning combinations starting from the top middle square)
      [0, 2], //if the user enters in three of the same values across the top three squares, they win
      [4, 7]  //if the user enters in three of the same values down the middle column, they win

    ],        //there are no diagonal winning combinations for values 1, 3, 5, 7 

    2: [ //(winning combinations starting from the top right square)
      [0, 1], //if the user enters in three of the same values across the top three squares, they win
      [5, 8],  //if the user enters in three of the same values down the far right column, they win
      [4, 6]   //if the user enters in three of the same values  diagonally from the top right to bottom                       left, they win
    3: [ //(winning combinations starting at the middle square on the far left column )
      [0, 6], //if the user enters in three of the same values down the far left column, they win
      [4, 5] //if the user enters in three of the same values across the middle row, they win
    4: [ //(winning combinations starting at the center square)
      [1, 8], //BUG IN THE CODE, this should not be a winning combination
      [2, 6], //if the user enters in three of the same values  diagonally from the top right to bottom                       left, they win
      [1, 7], //if the user enters in three of the same values down the middle column, they win
      [3, 5] // if the user enters in three of the same values across the middle row, they win
    5: [ //(winning combinations starting from the middle square in the far right column)
      [2, 8], //if the user enters in three of the same values down the far right column, they win
      [3, 4] // if the user enters in three of the same values across the middle row, they win
    6: [ //(winning combinations starting from the bottom left square)
      [0, 3], //if the user enters in three of the same values down the far left column, they win
      [2, 4], //if the user enters in three of the same values  diagonally from the top left to bottom                       right, they win
      [7, 8] //if the user enters in three of the same values across the bottom three squares, they win
    7: [   //(winning combinations starting from the bottom middle square)
      [1, 4],//if the user enters in three of the same values down the middle column, they win
      [6, 8] //if the user enters in three of the same values across the bottom three squares, they win
    8: [  //(winning combinations starting from the bottom right square)
      [0, 4], //if the user enters in three of the same values  diagonally from the bottom right to the top               left, they win
      [2, 5], //if the user enters in three of the same values down the far right column, they win
      [6, 7] //if the user enters in three of the same values across the bottom three squares, they win

  // when the user clicks on the board, the function runs, and the game is in progress
  $("#board").find("div").on("click", function() {

    if (isGameInProgress && $(this).hasClass("empty")) { /// within the #board remove the empty class and add either an X or an O value to the square when it is is clicked
      $(this).removeClass("empty").append("<span class='" + circleOrEx + "'>" + circleOrEx + "</span"); //allows user to input X or O value in the square

      checkIfWon($(this).index(), circleOrEx); //function determines the turn cycle of the game 

      if (circleOrEx === "o") { // if O has played their turn, run code on line 68
        circleOrEx = "x"; // now it is X's turn
      } else {
        circleOrEx = "o"; // X has played their turn, now it is circle's turn


  // once you click the button with the 'newGame' id, run the function
  $("#newGame").on("click", function() {

    var boardSquares = $("#board").find("div"); //boardSquares now becomes every div element within #board, which is each of the nine blank squares that make up the tic tac toe game
    var firstEmptyMemorySquare = $(".container").find(".nine").filter(function() { //returns a value for firstEmptyMemorySquare if the function passes these requirements place the #board within the class nine that is in the containter. (once the game clicking the refresh button, place the previous board in an empty section of the page)
      return $.trim($(this).text()) === "" && $(this).children().length === 0;

    if (firstEmptyMemorySquare.length == 1) { //placing a previously played game in an EmptyMemorySquare
    } else {

    //deletes anything in the empty class to games that are in progress, which allows user to enter X's or O's in the boardSquares
    boardSquares.each(function() {
    isGameInProgress = true;

  //checks if a player won. chosenSquare is the final value in a winning combination; the possible values for the  chosenSquare parameter is [0] - [8] 
  function checkIfWon(chosenSquare) {

    var mulitArr = winningCombos[chosenSquare];
    var playerWon;

    for (var i = 0; i < mulitArr.length; i++) { //the nested loop provides the length of the multidimensional array
      playerWon = true;
      for (var j = 0; j < mulitArr[i].length; j++) { //value of j starts at zero so the user must enter three values within a winning combination.  If j initially starts at 1 user only needs to match two of the same values within a winning combination.  If j => 2 the user only needs to match one value of a winning combination (which would be any square on the board) 
        if (!$("#board").find("div").eq(mulitArr[i][j]).find("span").hasClass(circleOrEx)) { //Explain this condition
          playerWon = false;

      if (playerWon) { //remaining lines affect the board when a player enters a winning combination

        for (var j = 0; j < mulitArr[i].length; j++) {
          $("#board").find("div").eq(mulitArr[i][j]).find("." + circleOrEx).addClass("green"); //makes the first two inputs of the winning comination the color green
        $("#board").find("div").eq(chosenSquare).find("." + circleOrEx).addClass("green"); //makes the last         input of the winning combination (chosenSquare) the color green
        alert("Winner is " + circleOrEx.toUpperCase() + "!"); //alert "Winner is X" or "Winner is O"
 var xWinCount = 0;
    var xWinCount = 0;
      if (playerWon = Ex){
          var xWin = xWinCount.innerHTML;
          xWinCount.innerHTML = x-win;
      var oWin = oWinCount.innerHTML;
      oWinCount.innerHTML = o-win;
        isGameInProgress = false; //since a player has won, the game is no longer in progress
        return false; //this exits the loop


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

注意此行oWinCount未分配给变量似乎您希望innerHTMLDim MyApp As New Microsoft.Dynamics.SL.ObjectModel.SIVApplication() MyApp = MyToolbar.StartApplication(sINVOICE_ENTRY) 相同


答案 1 :(得分:0)



  // The first problem is your function.  You pass it 2 arguments but it only catches 1
  // The second argument is what character 'won', so it should look something like this:
  // function checkIfWon(chosenSquare, winningPlayer)
  function checkIfWon(chosenSquare)

  var xWinCount = 0;
  // playerWon is a boolean. You need to know if the player won, but also which player won.
  // You should use the variable passed in through the function parameters
  // if (winningPlayer == "x" && playerWon)
  if (playerWon = Ex){
      // document.getElementById returns an object.  
      // To grab the innerHTML attribute from an object, you can do something like this:
      // xWinCount = document.getElementById('xWinCount').innerHTML;
      var xWin = xWinCount.innerHTML;

      // Assuming you get the above code working, 
      // the increment and assignment code should look something like this:
      // xWinCount++;
      // document.getElementById('xWinCount').innerHTML = xWinCount;
      xWinCount.innerHTML = x-win;



function checkIfWon(chosenSquare, winningPlayer) {
    if (playerWon) {
        if (winningPlayer == 'x') {
            // Grab the current win count
            var xWinCount = $('#xWinCount').val();

            // Increment the count

            // Assign the new count