
时间:2016-02-29 18:54:45

标签: r list dataframe




# a function to arrange the data to have IDs for each string 
    normalize <- function(x, delim) {
      x <- gsub(")", "", x, fixed=TRUE)
      x <- gsub("(", "", x, fixed=TRUE)
      idx <- rep(seq_len(length(x)), times=nchar(gsub(sprintf("[^%s]",delim), "", as.character(x)))+1)
      names <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(x), delim))
      return(setNames(idx, names))

# a function to arrange the second df  
lookup <- normalize(df2[,1], ",")

# a function to match them and give the IDs
process <- function(s) {
  lookup_try <- lookup[names(s)]
  found <- which(!is.na(lookup_try))
  pos <- lookup_try[names(s)[found]]
  return(paste(s[found], pos, sep="-"))
  #change the last line to "return(as.character(pos))" to get only the result as in the comment


res <- lapply(colnames(df1), function(x) process(normalize(df1[,x], ";")))


> res
[1] "3-4" "4-1" "5-4"

[1] "2-4"  "3-15" "7-16"

第一列 ID 是与df1中的字符串匹配的df2的行号 第二列是匹配的次数 第三列 ID-col-n 是df1中与该字符串匹配的字符串的行号+其列名 第四个是df1第一列的字符串,与该字符串匹配 第五列是与该字符串匹配的第二列的字符串 等等

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)



df1_tmp <- df1
df2_tmp <- df2
#add numerical id to df1_tmp to keep row information
df1_tmp$id <- seq_along(df1_tmp[,1])

#switch to wide and unnest rows with several strings
df1_tmp <- gather(df1_tmp,key="s_val",value="query_string",-id)
df1_tmp <- df1_tmp %>% 
        mutate(query_string = strsplit(as.character(query_string), ";")) %>% 

df2_tmp$IDs. <- gsub("[()]", "", df2_tmp$IDs.)

#add numerical id to df1_tmp to keep row information
df2_tmp$id <- seq_along(df2_tmp$IDs.)

#unnest rows with several strings
df2_tmp <- df2_tmp %>% 
        mutate(IDs. = strsplit(as.character(IDs.), ",")) %>% 

res <- merge(df1_tmp,df2_tmp,by.x="query_string",by.y="IDs.")

res$ID_col_n <- paste(paste0(res$id.x,res$s_val))
res$total_id <- 1:nrow(res)
res <- spread(res,s_val,value=query_string,fill=NA)
#summarize to get required output 

res <- res %>% group_by(id.y) %>%
        mutate(No=n())  %>% group_by(id.y,No) %>%
        summarise_each(funs(paste(.[!is.na(.)],collapse=","))) %>% 


res$df1_colMatch_counts <- rowSums(res[,-(1:3)]!="")
df2_counts <- df2_tmp %>% group_by(id) %>% summarize(df2_string_counts=n())
res <- merge(res,df2_counts,by.x="IDs",by.y="id")


  IDs No    ID_col_n            s1     s2 df1_colMatch_counts df2_string_counts
1   1  1         4s1        P41182                          1                 2
2   2  1         4s1        P41182                          1                 2
3   3  1         4s1        P41182                          1                 2
4   4  3 2s2,3s1,5s1 Q9Y6Q9,Q09472 Q92831                   2                 4
5  15  1         3s2               P54612                   1                 5
6  16  1         7s2               O15143                   1                 7

答案 1 :(得分:2)

对于这个解决方案,我使用一个通用的帮助函数来解决rbind()的限制,它不能处理不一致的列名。您可以使用Combine two data frames by rows (rbind) when they have different sets of columns中的任何函数,但我也写了自己的函数:

rbind.cn <- function(...,filler=NA) {
    ## note: must explicitly set proper S3 class; otherwise, filler would corrupt the column type in cases where a column is missing from the first df
    ## for example, logical NA (the default for filler) would nix factors, resulting in character after type promotion
    ## to do this, will use single-row temp df as first argument to rbind()
    ## note: tried zero-row to prevent need to excise afterward, but zero-row rbind() arguments are ignored for typing purposes
    l <- list(...);
    schema <- do.call(cbind,unname(lapply(l,function(df) df[1L,,drop=F]))); ## unname() is necessary, otherwise cbind() tries to be a good citizen and concats first df cell value found in lapply() names onto schema column names
    schema <- schema[unique(names(schema))];
    res <- do.call(rbind,c(list(schema),lapply(l,function(df) {
        cns.add <- names(schema)[!names(schema)%in%names(df)];
    ## fix up row names
    rns <- do.call(c,lapply(l,rownames));
    rownames(res) <- ifelse(grepl('^[0-9]+$',rns),seq_along(rns),rns);

我还编写了自己的规范化函数。我认为您通过预先计算两个输入data.frames的规范化表示来处于正确的轨道,但是因为您使用命名向量索引来匹配ID,所以您没有在df2中捕获重复名称的情况,这就是为什么你的结果缺少额外出现的id P41182。这是我的规范化功能:

## normalization function
## for each column, splits on sep and captures the id, row index, column index, and column name in a data.frame
normalize <- function(df,sep) {
    do.call(rbind,lapply(seq_along(df),function(ci) {
        l <- strsplit(gsub('[()]','',df[[ci]]),sep);
                if (length(l[[ri]]) > 0L)


## normalize both data.frames
df1.norm <- normalize(df1,';');
df2.norm <- normalize(df2,',');

## join them on matching ids
df.match <- merge(df1.norm,df2.norm,'id',suffixes=c('.1','.2'));
df.match <- df.match[with(df.match,order(ri.2,cn.1,ri.1)),]; ## order by df2 row index, df1 column name, and finally df1 row index, as per required output

## aggregate and format as required
res <- do.call(rbind.cn,c(by(df.match,df.match$ri.2,function(x) {
    strCols <- aggregate(id~cn.1,x[c('id','cn.1')],paste,collapse=','); ## conveniently, automatically orders by the grouping column cn.1

## order string-df1 columns
res <- res[c(1:3,order(as.integer(sub('.*?([0-9]+)$','\\1',names(res)[-1:-3])))+3L)];


##        id ri ci cn
## 1  Q9Y6W5  1  1 s1
## 2  Q9Y6U3  2  1 s1
## 3  Q9Y6Q9  3  1 s1
## 4  P41182  4  1 s1
## 5  Q9HCP0  4  1 s1
## 6  Q09472  5  1 s1
## 7  Q9Y6I3  6  1 s1
## 8  Q9Y6H1  7  1 s1
## 9  Q5T1J5  7  1 s1
## 10 Q16835  1  2 s2
## 11 P61809  2  2 s2
## 12 Q92831  2  2 s2
## 13 P41356  3  2 s2
## 14 P54612  3  2 s2
## 15 A41PH2  3  2 s2
## 16 P3R117  4  2 s2
## 17 P31908  5  2 s2
## 18 P54112  6  2 s2
## 19 O15143  7  2 s2
##        id ri ci   cn
## 1  P41182  1  1 IDs.
## 2  P56524  1  1 IDs.
## 3  P41182  2  1 IDs.
## 4  Q9UQL6  2  1 IDs.
## 5  P41182  3  1 IDs.
## 6  Q8WUI4  3  1 IDs.
## 7  Q92793  4  1 IDs.
## 8  Q09472  4  1 IDs.
## 9  Q9Y6Q9  4  1 IDs.
## 10 Q92831  4  1 IDs.
## 11 P30561  5  1 IDs.
## 12 P53762  5  1 IDs.
## 13 Q15021  6  1 IDs.
## 14 Q9BPX3  6  1 IDs.
## 15 Q15003  6  1 IDs.
## 16 O95347  6  1 IDs.
## 17 Q9NTJ3  6  1 IDs.
## 18 Q92902  7  1 IDs.
## 19 Q9NQG7  7  1 IDs.
## 20 Q969F9  8  1 IDs.
## 21 Q9UPZ3  8  1 IDs.
## 22 Q86YV9  8  1 IDs.
## 23 Q92903  9  1 IDs.
## 24 Q96NY9  9  1 IDs.
## 25 Q91VB4 10  1 IDs.
## 26 P59438 10  1 IDs.
## 27 Q8BLY7 10  1 IDs.
## 28 Q92828 11  1 IDs.
## 29 Q13227 11  1 IDs.
## 30 O15379 11  1 IDs.
## 31 O75376 11  1 IDs.
## 32 O60907 11  1 IDs.
## 33 Q9BZK7 11  1 IDs.
## 34 P78537 12  1 IDs.
## 35 Q6QNY1 12  1 IDs.
## 36 Q6QNY0 12  1 IDs.
## 37 Q9NUP1 12  1 IDs.
## 38 Q96EV8 12  1 IDs.
## 39 Q8TDH9 12  1 IDs.
## 40 Q9UL45 12  1 IDs.
## 41 O95295 12  1 IDs.
## 42 O55102 13  1 IDs.
## 43 Q9CWG9 13  1 IDs.
## 44 Q5U5M8 13  1 IDs.
## 45 Q8VED2 13  1 IDs.
## 46 Q91WZ8 13  1 IDs.
## 47 Q8R015 13  1 IDs.
## 48 Q9R0C0 13  1 IDs.
## 49 Q9Z266 13  1 IDs.
## 50 P30561 14  1 IDs.
## 51 O08915 14  1 IDs.
## 52 P07901 14  1 IDs.
## 53 P11499 14  1 IDs.
## 54 Q8WMR7 15  1 IDs.
## 55 P67776 15  1 IDs.
## 56 P11493 15  1 IDs.
## 57 P54612 15  1 IDs.
## 58 P54613 15  1 IDs.
## 59 P61160 16  1 IDs.
## 60 P61158 16  1 IDs.
## 61 O15143 16  1 IDs.
## 62 O15144 16  1 IDs.
## 63 O15145 16  1 IDs.
## 64 P59998 16  1 IDs.
## 65 O15511 16  1 IDs.
##       id ri.1 ci.1 cn.1 ri.2 ci.2 cn.2
## 2 P41182    4    1   s1    1    1 IDs.
## 4 P41182    4    1   s1    2    1 IDs.
## 3 P41182    4    1   s1    3    1 IDs.
## 8 Q9Y6Q9    3    1   s1    4    1 IDs.
## 6 Q09472    5    1   s1    4    1 IDs.
## 7 Q92831    2    2   s2    4    1 IDs.
## 5 P54612    3    2   s2   15    1 IDs.
## 1 O15143    7    2   s2   16    1 IDs.
##   IDs No    ID-col-n string-df1-s1 string-df1-s2
## 1   1  1         4s1        P41182             -
## 2   2  1         4s1        P41182             -
## 3   3  1         4s1        P41182             -
## 4   4  3 3s1,5s1,2s2 Q9Y6Q9,Q09472        Q92831
## 5  15  1         3s2             -        P54612
## 6  16  1         7s2             -        O15143