
时间:2016-02-29 15:59:55

标签: elasticsearch logstash logstash-grok grok

我正在尝试解析时间戳并将其存储为date elasticsearch类型。将其存储为字符串类型没有问题,但我想根据此时间戳查询日志。它的格式不是标准格式,并且没有以logstash模式构建。

这就是日期的显示方式:12/24/15 16:37:14:921 CST

有时1/24/15 16:37:14:921 CST

MM/dd/YY HH:mm:ss.SSS zM/dd/YY HH:mm:ss.SSS z都不起作用。


[12/24/15 16:37:14:921 CST] 00000094 ApplicationMg A   WSVR0204I: Application: <some_project_name> Application build level: Unknown
[12/24/15 16:37:15:436 CST] 00000094 SibMessage    W   [:] CWSII0269W: The runtime accessed the user repository for <some module name> to populate missing unique name data when loading the authorization model for the bus.
[12/24/15 16:37:15:452 CST] 00000094 SibMessage    I   [:] CWSII0210I: The authorization policy for the <some module name> has been updated as a result of an administrative update.
[12/24/15 16:37:15:468 CST] 00000094 SibMessage    W   [:] CWSII0269W: The runtime accessed the user repository for<some module name> to populate missing unique name data when loading the authorization model for the bus.


input {
    file {
     path => "<path_to_logs_dir>/applevac.log"
     codec => multiline {
        pattern => "^\[%{TS}\]"
        negate => true
        what => "previous"
        patterns_dir => "..\patterns"
     start_position => "beginning"
     sincedb_path => "since_db"

filter {
    grok {
        #includes custom patterns
        match => { "message" => "(\[)%{TS}(\])(\s)+%{HEX:thread}(\s)+%{WORD:module}(\s)+%{ULETTER:letter}(\s)+%{EVERYTHING:eventMsg}" }
    date {
        match => ["eventtime","M/dd/YY HH:mm:ss:SSS z"]

output {
    stdout { }


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