
时间:2016-02-29 09:25:15

标签: tcl tk

我想制作一个主按钮,选择它时会选择其他按钮并将它们变灰。 我曾经为master中的每个按钮设置一个变量,所有这些按钮都使用-variable设置为true,但这会抛出错误,说“无效命令名1”


checkbutton .top.l.all -text "Select ALL" -variable "select_all" -command { [set sanity_check 1] [set verilog_check 1] [set lef_check 1] [set lib_check 1][set apl_check 1] } -font TEMP_varwidth
checkbutton .top.l.g1 -text "File name and operating conds checks" -variable "sanity_check" -command "run_file_ops"
checkbutton .top.l.g2 -text "Syntax Checks for Verilog" -variable "verilog_check" -command "run_verilog_check"
checkbutton .top.l.g3 -text "Syntax Checks for LEF" -variable "lef_check" -command "run_lef_check"
checkbutton .top.l.g4 -text "Syntax Checks for .lib" -variable "lib_check" -command "run_lib_check"
checkbutton .top.l.g5 -text "Syntax Checks for APL" -variable "apl_check" -command "run_apl_check"
grid .top.l.all -row 1 -column 2 -sticky nw
grid .top.l.g1 -row 2 -column 2 -sticky nw
grid .top.l.g2 -row 3 -column 2 -sticky nw
grid .top.l.g3 -row 4 -column 2 -sticky nw
grid .top.l.g4 -row 5 -column 2 -sticky nw
grid .top.l.g5 -row 6 -column 2 -sticky nw

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

而不是复制所有按钮' "选择所有"中的逻辑按钮,只需使用invoke命令以编程方式单击它们:

checkbutton .top.l.all -text "Select ALL"     \
                       -variable "select_all" \
                       -font TEMP_varwidth    \
                       -command select_all

proc select_all {} {
    foreach w {.top.l.g1 .top.l.g2 .top.l.g3 .top.l.g4 .top.l.g5} {
        $w invoke
        $w configure -state disabled


答案 1 :(得分:2)


checkbutton .top.l.all -text "Select ALL" -variable "select_all" -command {
  [set sanity_check 1]
  [set verilog_check 1]
  [set lef_check 1]
  [set lib_check 1]
  [set apl_check 1]
} -font TEMP_varwidth

你认为这是正确的吗? set首先计算,然后返回设置值1。然后-command接受'命令' {1 1 1 11}这是发生错误的地方。正确的方法是:

checkbutton .top.l.all -text "Select ALL" -variable "select_all" -command {
  set sanity_check 1
  set verilog_check 1
  set lef_check 1
  set lib_check 1
  set apl_check 1
} -font TEMP_varwidth


checkbutton .top.l.all -text "Select ALL" -variable "select_all" -command {set sanity_check 1; set verilog_check 1; set lef_check 1; set lib_check 1; set apl_check 1} -font TEMP_varwidth


  • 选中所有其他复选框,选中所有其他复选框,取消选中所有其他复选按钮
    • 执行每个检查按钮的命令
    • 灰显每个checkbutton命令
  • 如果选中了all all checkbutton,则单击select all时的可见更改(我缩短了小部件名称,以便能够在我这边测试它们)。

checkbutton .all -text "Select ALL" -variable "select_all" -command select_all -font TEMP_varwidth

proc select_all {} {
  upvar sanity_check sa verilog_check v lef_check le lib_check li apl_check a select_all se
  if {$se == 1} {
    # First change the checkbuttons
    set sa 1
    set v 1
    set le 1
    set li 1
    set a 1
    # Execute their commands
    # Grey them out
    .g1 configure -state disabled
    .g2 configure -state disabled
    .g3 configure -state disabled
    .g4 configure -state disabled
    .g5 configure -state disabled
  } else {
    # Change the checkbuttons
    set sa 0
    set v 0
    set le 0
    set li 0
    set a 0
    # Change them back to normal
    .g1 configure -state normal
    .g2 configure -state normal
    .g3 configure -state normal
    .g4 configure -state normal
    .g5 configure -state normal