
时间:2016-02-28 11:28:13

标签: php laravel paypal paypal-sandbox paypal-rest-sdk


$addr = new Address();

$card = new CreditCard();

$fi = new FundingInstrument();

$payer = new Payer();

$amountDetails = new Details();

$amount = new Amount();

$transaction = new Transaction();
$transaction->setDescription('This is the payment transaction description.');

$payment = new Payments();



$payer_id = ?;
$paymentExecution = new PaymentExecution();
$payment->execute($paymentExecution, $this->_api_context);

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您将从“创建付款”的返回网址(GET方法)获得 payer_id 。查看Paypal REST API Reference了解更多详情

答案 1 :(得分:1)

信用卡付款是一个步骤,在此过程中付款 $payment->execute($paymentExecution, $this->_api_context);已获批准。

因此不需要执行步骤(var myVar = "my info"; var myVar2 = "my other info"; $.post("myscript.php", { info1: myVar, info2: myVar2 }, function(answer) { // answer will contain whatever the PHP script printed // in this example answer will be "success" alert(answer); } ); )。此外,在这种情况下,我们不需要付款人ID。