scala tuple拆包

时间:2010-08-25 16:15:31

标签: scala parameters tuples


def foo(a:Int, b:Int) = {}

foo(a,b) //right way to invoke foo

foo(getParams) // is there a way to get this working without explicitly unpacking the tuple??

def getParams = {
   //Some calculations
   (a,b)  //where a & b are Int

5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:101)


(foo _).tupled(getParams)

答案 1 :(得分:52)

@ dave-griffith已经死了。


Function.tupled(foo _)


scala> def foo(x: Int, y: Double) = x * y
foo: (x: Int,y: Double)Double

scala> foo _
res0: (Int, Double) => Double = <function2>

scala> foo _ tupled
res1: ((Int, Double)) => Double = <function1>

scala> foo _ curried
res2: (Int) => (Double) => Double = <function1>

scala> Function.tupled(foo _)
res3: ((Int, Double)) => Double = <function1>

// Function.curried is deprecated
scala> Function.curried(foo _)
warning: there were deprecation warnings; re-run with -deprecation for details
res6: (Int) => (Double) => Double = <function1>


scala> val c = foo _ curried
c: (Int) => (Double) => Double = <function1>

scala> c(5)
res13: (Double) => Double = <function1>

scala> c(5)(10)
res14: Double = 50.0

最后,如果需要,您还可以取消/取消。 Function为此建立了内容:

scala> val f = foo _ tupled
f: ((Int, Double)) => Double = <function1>

scala> val c = foo _ curried
c: (Int) => (Double) => Double = <function1>

scala> Function.uncurried(c)
res9: (Int, Double) => Double = <function2>

scala> Function.untupled(f)
res12: (Int, Double) => Double = <function2>

答案 2 :(得分:19)

Function.tupled(foo _)(getParams)或Dave建议的那个。




如果foo恰好是   某类的构造函数?



scala> class Person(firstName: String, lastName: String) {
     |   override def toString = firstName + " " + lastName
     | }
defined class Person

scala> object Person {
     |   def apply(firstName: String, lastName: String) = new Person(firstName, lastName)
     | }
defined module Person

scala> (Person.apply _).tupled(("Rahul", "G"))
res17: Person = Rahul G

使用case class es,您可以免费获得一个带有apply方法的伴随对象,因此这种技术可以更方便地与case class es一起使用。

scala> case class Person(firstName: String, lastName: String)
defined class Person

scala> Person.tupled(("Rahul", "G"))
res18: Person = Person(Rahul,G)

我知道很多代码重复但是唉...我们还没有宏(还)! ;)

答案 3 :(得分:3)


def originalFunc(a: A, b: B): C = ...
def wrapperFunc(ab: (A, B)): C = (originalFunc _).tupled(ab)

答案 4 :(得分:1)


def foo(t: Tuple2[Int, Int]) = {
  println("Hello " + t._1 + t._2)
  "Makes no sense but ok!"

def getParams = {
  //Some calculations
  val a = 1;
  val b = 2;
  (a, b) //where a & b are Int

// So you can do this!
// With that said, you can also do this!
foo(1, 3)